The 9 most influential quotes from 'Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a fulfilling and contented life'

The 9 most influential quotes from 'Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a fulfilling and contented life'
The 9 most influential quotes from 'Ikigai: The Japanese secret to a fulfilling and contented life'

"The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life" is a bestselling book about longevity that is widely recognized.

The book, written by Héctor García and Francesc Miralles, explores the secrets of Okinawa, Japan, a community renowned for its longevity, and delves into the lifestyle habits of its residents that contribute to their health and happiness.

The most impactful quotes from "Ikigai" were the ones that readers from around the world highlighted in their digital books, as tracked by Kindle.

The cornerstones of Blue Zones

"Scientists who have examined the five Blue Zones have discovered that the secrets to a long life involve a healthy diet, regular exercise, discovering one's passion or purpose in life, and cultivating strong social connections, including having a wide network of friends and close family relationships."

"Happiness in life is derived from having something to do, something to love, and something to hope for."

Experience new things for a healthy brain

"Exposing yourself to new information stimulates the brain to form new connections and rejuvenates it. Therefore, it is crucial to embrace change, even if it causes a bit of anxiety."

"Engaging in new experiences, acquiring new knowledge, playing games, and socializing with others are crucial strategies for maintaining a healthy mind as we age. Additionally, adopting a more optimistic perspective on these activities can lead to even greater mental benefits."

Advice for managing stress levels

"The core principle of mindfulness involves paying attention to our reactions, regardless of their origins, to gain complete awareness of them. This allows us to stay grounded in the present moment and control runaway thoughts."

Embrace the state of flow

"Focusing on a single task may be the key to achieving a state of flow."

"Those who spend the most time in a state of flow are the happiest people, not those who achieve the most."

The importance of having a purpose

"One thing cannot be taken away from a man: the ability to choose one's attitude and path in any given situation."

"Anyone who has a purpose in life can endure almost any hardship."

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