Ukraine loses Avdiivka to Russia, marking its largest loss in 9 months.

Ukraine loses Avdiivka to Russia, marking its largest loss in 9 months.
Ukraine loses Avdiivka to Russia, marking its largest loss in 9 months.

On Sunday, Russia claimed to have complete control over the Ukrainian town of Avdiivka after Ukraine withdrew. However, Moscow stated that some Ukrainian soldiers were still trapped in a massive Soviet-era coke plant, following one of the most intense battles of the war.

Russia's recent capture of Avdiivka marks its largest gain since seizing Bakhmut in May 2023, which occurred exactly two years after President Putin initiated the conflict by invading Ukraine.

The Russian defense ministry announced that its troops had advanced 8.6 km (5.3 miles) on the 1,000-km (620-mile) front line, and that they were pushing forward after a devastating urban battle that left the town almost entirely destroyed.

Ukraine withdrew its soldiers to avoid being fully surrounded after months of intense conflict. Putin declared the fall of Avdiivka a significant victory and praised Russian forces.

Despite Ukraine's unsuccessful attempt to breach Russian defenses last year, Moscow has been working to weaken Ukrainian forces as Kyiv considers a significant new mobilization and Zelenskyy appoints a new commander to lead the war effort.

Russian soldiers were congratulated on their success and victory by the head of state, according to a statement on the Kremlin's website.

Russia claimed that some Ukrainian troops were still present at the Soviet-era coke plant in Avdiivka, which is crucial to Russia's objective of gaining complete control over the industrial Donbas region.

Igor Konashenkov, the Russian Defence Ministry spokesman, stated that efforts are being made to completely eradicate militants from the town and to prevent Ukrainian troops from reentering the Avdiivka Coke and Chemical Plant after they left.

Russian state television broadcast footage of Ukrainian flags being removed in Avdiivka and the Russian flag being hoisted, including over a Coca-Cola plant. No public comment from Ukrainian authorities has been made on this matter.

The Ukrainian military admitted to leaving some soldiers and weapons behind during their hasty withdrawal, while Russia accused them of a chaotic retreat.

In February 2022, Putin deployed tens of thousands of troops to Ukraine, leading to the escalation of the eight-year conflict between Ukrainian forces and pro-Russian Ukrainians and Russian proxies.

Avdiivka, also known as Avdeyevka by Russians, has experienced a decade of conflict. This region holds significant symbolism for Russia as it was briefly seized by Moscow-backed separatists in 2014, who took control of a large portion of eastern Ukraine. However, Ukrainian troops later recaptured the area and constructed extensive fortifications.

Weapons shortages

Due to months of opposition from the Republican-controlled Congress to a new U.S. military aid package for Kyiv, President Biden warned that Avdiivka could fall to Russian forces due to ammunition shortages.

On Saturday, Biden spoke with Zelenskyy to emphasize the U.S.'s dedication to backing Ukraine and urged Congress to expedite the passage of the aid package.

Ukraine was forced to withdraw from the conflict due to dwindling supplies caused by congressional inaction, resulting in Ukrainian soldiers rationing ammunition and Russia's first notable gains in months.

At a global security conference in Munich on Saturday, Zelenskiy urged allies to address the "artificial" shortage of weapons and emphasized the importance of stalled U.S. aid. He commended his troops for successfully "exhausting" Russian forces in Avdiivka and suggested that the withdrawal was partly due to a lack of weapons.

"Russia has long-range weapons, while we simply don't have enough," he said.

Boost for Russia

The capture of Avdiivka could give Russia a morale boost before Putin's re-election next month, which is almost certain to occur.

Another step towards securing Moscow's control over Donetsk, a regional center located 20 km (12 miles) to the east and held by Russian and pro-Russian forces since 2014, is being taken.

The war has resulted in the deaths of hundreds of thousands of men on both sides, but Russia and Ukraine have not disclosed their specific losses in Avdiivka.

Colonel-General Andrei Mordvichev, the Russian commander in charge of the assault on Avdiivka, was congratulated by Putin.

"Glory to the fallen heroes who completed their mission in the special military operation!" Putin declared in a telegram.

The Ukrainian Defense Minister, Rustem Umerov, stated that Avdiivka demonstrated the necessity of acquiring modern air defense systems to counter guided bombs and long-range weapons in order to destroy enemy formations. He added that artillery shells were also essential.

Ukrainian forces retreated to safer positions outside the town to avoid being surrounded and to protect the lives and well-being of soldiers, as stated by Colonel-General Oleksandr Syrskyi, who recently assumed command of the Ukrainian military in a significant reshuffle.

The 3rd Assault Brigade of Ukraine, which officials claim was sent to Avdiivka this week, announced on Telegram that it had retreated to fortified positions beyond Avdiivka and balanced the front line.

The Russians are not slowing down their assault, and we continue to hold the line in Avdiivka.

On Sunday, the Ukrainian military announced that its forces successfully repelled a Russian offensive in the Zaporizhzhia region on the southern front.

There was no comment on that yet from the Russian side.

by Reuters
