Trump calls for Google to be prosecuted over search results he claims favor Harris.

Trump calls for Google to be prosecuted over search results he claims favor Harris.
Trump calls for Google to be prosecuted over search results he claims favor Harris.
  • Vice President Kamala Harris was unfairly targeted by former President Donald Trump, who accused Google of bias against her in search results.
  • If the Department of Justice does not prosecute Google for election interference, Trump vowed to request its prosecution upon winning the election and becoming president.
  • The Media Research Center, a right-leaning organization, released a study claiming that Google search engine results favored Joe Biden's campaign website over Donald Trump's own site.

On Friday, Donald Trump accused Google of bias against his election opponent, Vice President Kamala Harris, by calling for the company to be criminally prosecuted for its search results.

Trump stated in a social media post that he would request the prosecution of Google for election interference if the Department of Justice does not do so, and he would make this request upon winning the election and becoming President of the United States.

The Media Research Center, a right-leaning organization, released a study claiming that Google search engine results favored positive news articles about Democrat Kamala Harris over President Donald Trump's campaign website when searching for "Donald Trump presidential race 2024."

Trump accused Google of illegally using a system to only show negative stories about him while hiding positive stories about Kamala Harris on Truth Social.

Earlier this week, Brent Bozell, the founder of MRC, informed Fox News Digital that Google is attempting to bias its search results in favor of Kamala Harris.

Alphabet, the parent company of Google, and the campaigns of Trump and Harris have been requested for comment by CNBC.

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by Dan Mangan
