Pelosi received concerns about Biden from Democratic megadonor Ron Conway.

Pelosi received concerns about Biden from Democratic megadonor Ron Conway.
Pelosi received concerns about Biden from Democratic megadonor Ron Conway.
  • Nancy Pelosi has discussed concerns about Joe Biden with Democratic megadonor Ron Conway following the debate with Donald Trump.
  • A spokesman for Pelosi informed CNBC that after the debate, the Speaker's phone received numerous calls conveying various opinions.
  • This cycle, more than $5 million has been donated by Conway and his wife to assist in electing Democrats.

According to three sources, former House Speaker Nancy Pelosi has had a direct conversation with venture capitalist and Democratic megadonor Ron Conway about President Joe Biden's poor debate performance.

The former House speaker was informed by Conway that the president's performance increased the likelihood of a November victory for former President Donald Trump, according to sources who requested anonymity to discuss a sensitive matter.

SV Angel's founder and managing partner, Conway, and his wife have given more than $5 million to support Democrats during this election cycle.

And Conway's conversations are not limited to Pelosi.

An ally in the tech community of Conway's revealed to CNBC that the investor was part of a group of donors and leaders who decided to start a fire to persuade Biden to step down as president.

Pelosi's Wednesday interview on MSNBC was preceded by talks with her, during which she did not explicitly endorse Biden, according to sources.

Pelosi and Conway's representatives confirmed that Pelosi had spoken to Conway about Biden.

A spokesman for Pelosi informed CNBC that after the debate, the Speaker's phone received numerous calls conveying various opinions.

A spokesman for Conway stated that, like many others, Ron has had numerous discussions with Democratic party leaders and significant donors regarding the optimal strategy for achieving victory. However, he will not disclose the details of these private conversations.

As of Friday, a RealClearPolitics polling average indicates that Trump leads Biden by approximately 2 percentage points.

Since Biden's press conference on Thursday, it is unclear what Pelosi said to Conway or whether the two have spoken.

Biden's comments addressed foreign policy, and he referred to Vice President Harris as "Vice President Trump." He stated that he would only exit the race if polling data indicated that he had no chance of winning.

Biden's remarks to George Stephanopoulos on ABC News differed slightly from his previous statement, as he now said that only God could convince him to abandon his presidential campaign.

In California's Democratic party fundraising apparatus and the tech community of Silicon Valley, Conway is a vital voice.

During Biden's 2020 presidential campaign, Conway served as one of his bundlers, amassing at least $100,000 in donations for Biden's campaign against Trump, according to OpenSecrets.

In 2023, Conway donated at least $600,000 to Future Forward, a political action committee supporting Biden, and has given over $400,000 to the Biden Victory Fund during the 2024 election cycle, according to Federal Election Commission records.

For years, Conway and Pelosi, two influential figures from California, have maintained a close relationship. Conway has organized fundraising events for House Democrats, while Pelosi has been seen attending these events in photos.

During the 2022 congressional midterm elections, the Nancy Pelosi Victory Fund received over $200,000 from Conway, according to OpenSecrets.

In the past three weeks, many major Democratic donors, including Conway, have turned against Biden.

Choice Hotels Chairman Stewart Bainum Jr., a six-figure Biden donor, stated on CNBC after the debate that he believes the president should step down. However, he clarified that he won't assist the president until after the August Democratic convention in Chicago because he is not yet convinced Biden will be the nominee.

Abigail Disney, a member of the Disney family and a Democratic donor, stated on July 4 that she will not finance the party until Biden withdraws from the race.

Disney stated that he would cease any contributions to the party until Biden was replaced as the top candidate, emphasizing that this was a matter of realism, not disrespect.

by Brian Schwartz
