Over 100 ex-GOP officials back Harris, assert Trump is 'unsuitable' to lead.

Over 100 ex-GOP officials back Harris, assert Trump is 'unsuitable' to lead.
Over 100 ex-GOP officials back Harris, assert Trump is 'unsuitable' to lead.
  • Over 100 ex-GOP lawmakers and officials backed Kamala Harris for president.
  • The group contended that Donald Trump, their party's candidate, is unsuitable to hold office once more.
  • The group comprises ex-officials from the Trump administration, along with individuals who served under Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush.

Over 100 former Republican lawmakers and officials backed Democratic presidential candidate Kamala Harris, stating that their party's candidate, Donald Trump, is unfit to serve again.

The former national security and foreign policy officials who wrote the letter shared by the Harris campaign Wednesday morning stated that although they have differences with the vice president's policies, they believe she has the necessary qualities to be President, while they do not believe the same about Donald Trump.

Trump was criticized for causing daily chaos in government during his first term, as he prioritized his personal interests over the country's and breached his oath of office by inciting the January 6, 2021, riot at the U.S. Capitol.

The group, comprising former Trump administration officials and those who served under former Presidents Ronald Reagan, George H.W. Bush, and George W. Bush, cautioned against Trump's "easiness to be influenced by foreign leaders' praise."

The letter stated that he is unfit to hold any public office, as reported by The New York Times earlier Wednesday.

The signatories are William Webster, John Negroponte, Carla Hills, and Robert Zoellick.

While some Republicans expressed concerns about Kamala Harris, these were overshadowed by the chaotic and unethical behavior of Donald Trump, who disregarded the principles of constitutional governance.

"His unpredictable nature is not the negotiating strength he boasts about. In fact, his behavior in national security matters encourages equally unstable actions from our opponents, which recklessly endangers global security."

Eight ex-congress members backed the Democratic duo of Harris and Minnesota Governor Walz.

GOP support for Harris has increased with the latest addition on Wednesday, as she tries to attract moderate voters and conservatives dissatisfied with Trump.

More than two dozen ex-Trump officials and other GOP members endorsed her campaign last month through the launch of 'Republicans for Harris'.

In September, nearly 90 corporate leaders, including former CEO James Murdoch, Chairman Michael Lynton, and co-founder Jeremy Stoppelman, endorsed Harris.

George W. Bush's former vice president, Dick Cheney, revealed that he would support Kamala Harris in the same month. His daughter, Liz Cheney, a former GOP representative, is one of Trump's most vocal conservative critics.

Trump's former vice president, Mike Pence, confirmed on Tuesday that he would not endorse any presidential candidate in the 2024 election.

Pence was pressured by Trump to reject the Electoral College results in 2020, which showed Biden as the winner. When Pence refused, Trump's supporters stormed the Capitol and disrupted the election certification process.

Pence's quote, "Anyone who puts himself over the Constitution should never be President of the United States," was included in Wednesday's letter.

by Kevin Breuninger
