In July, Kamala Harris raised $310 million, surpassing Trump's monthly earnings.

In July, Kamala Harris raised $310 million, surpassing Trump's monthly earnings.
In July, Kamala Harris raised $310 million, surpassing Trump's monthly earnings.
  • The political operation of Vice President Kamala Harris's Democratic presidential campaign raised over $300 million in July.
  • The tally exceeded the amount raised for the Republican campaign for former President Donald Trump.
  • Last month, President Joe Biden withdrew from the election race and subsequently endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris.

In July, the political operation of Vice President Kamala Harris' presidential campaign raised $310 million, surpassing the amount raised by Republican nominee Donald Trump in the same month.

The eye-popping sum was raised by Harris' team through the campaign, the Democratic National Committee, and joint fundraising committees.

Over $200 million of July's total was collected during the first week of her campaign, following President Biden's withdrawal from the election race on July 21 and his subsequent endorsement of Harris.

The Democratic nominee's team had $377 million in funds at the start of August.

In July, the political organization comprising of Trump's campaign and joint fundraising committees collected $138.7 million.

His team entered August with $327 million in the bank.

The substantial amount of money raised by Harris demonstrates the renewed optimism among Democratic donors, some of whom had initially been reluctant to contribute after Biden's poor debate performance against Trump in June.

Harris' campaign said that two-thirds of their fundraising came from first-time donors.

Over 4.2 million contributions were made by more than 3 million donors, including more than 2 million first-time donors, according to the campaign's press release.

Julie Chavez Rodriguez, the campaign manager for Harris, stated that their funds will be used for winning elections, including door-to-door organizing in DeKalb County, opening rural offices in Pennsylvania, and tabling at college club fairs.

Chavez Rodriguez stated that the campaign and coalition's success in November is a result of their hard work and fighting spirit, and when they fight, they win.

by Brian Schwartz
