Blinken advises caution to avoid miscalculations as China issues 'red lines' warning.

Blinken advises caution to avoid miscalculations as China issues 'red lines' warning.
Blinken advises caution to avoid miscalculations as China issues 'red lines' warning.
  • On Friday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken highlighted the importance of the U.S. and China avoiding "miscalculations" and "misunderstandings."
  • In Beijing before a private meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Blinken emphasized the importance of "direct diplomacy."
  • With increased dialogue and cooperation, Wang informed Blinken that U.S.-China relations are becoming more stable.

On Friday, Secretary of State Antony Blinken highlighted the importance of the U.S. and China avoiding "miscalculations" and "misunderstandings."

In Beijing before a private meeting with Chinese Foreign Minister Wang Yi, Blinken emphasized the importance of "direct diplomacy."

To avoid misunderstandings and miscalculations, it is crucial that we are as clear as possible about the areas where we have differences, as he emphasized to reporters.

His recent visit to China coincides with efforts to ease tensions between the two nations, as they compete for technological, economic, and political dominance.

With increased dialogue and cooperation, Wang informed Blinken that U.S.-China relations are becoming more stable.

"Our two peoples and the international community welcome this, but beware of the negative factors that are increasing and causing disruptions."

""China's legitimate development rights have been unjustly restricted, and our fundamental interests are being threatened," he stated, warning Washington not to overstep China's boundaries."

In San Francisco last year, Joe Biden, the US President, had a meeting with Xi Jinping, his Chinese counterpart, on the fringes of the Asia-Pacific Economic Cooperation conference.

During a call with Xi in early April, Biden discussed several U.S. concerns, as stated in a White House readout of the call.

Fraught ties

For years, tensions have been simmering, including the trade war and the controversy over China's alleged spy balloon over U.S. skies. Recently, the U.S. has accused China of supporting Russia's military effort in Ukraine.

Before Blinken's trip, a senior State Department official stated that America's top diplomat intended to caution Beijing against backing Russia's efforts to strengthen its military base, which could jeopardize European security.

On Thursday, Blinken discussed trade policies and non-market economic practices with Shanghai's Communist Party Secretary Chen Jining, as stated by the U.S. State Department.

Matthew Miller, a spokesperson, stated that the United States seeks a healthy economic competition with China and a level-playing field for U.S. workers and firms operating in the country.

Blinken made his second visit to China following a diplomatic mission to ease tensions between the US and China in June 2020.

It is uncertain if the Secretary of State will meet with Xi Jinping during this visit.

Blinken stated on Friday that "we are handling our most significant relationship with care."

"Let's work together to advance on the shared issues agreed upon by our presidents, while also clarifying our differences, intentions, and making it clear where we stand."

by Sumathi Bala
