Allan Lichtman predicts that Trump will lose to Harris in the election.

Allan Lichtman predicts that Trump will lose to Harris in the election.
Allan Lichtman predicts that Trump will lose to Harris in the election.
  • For four decades, Lichtman has accurately predicted presidential elections using a model he calls the "Keys to the White House."
  • Lichtman predicted that Trump would lose to Clinton in 2016 and Biden would defeat him in 2020.

According to the historian known as the "Nostradamus" of presidential election predictions, the results are in and Kamala Harris will defeat Donald Trump in the Nov. 5 election.

On Thursday morning, Lichtman made his decision public in a New York Times op-ed video.

"At least, that's my prediction for this race."

The "Keys to the White House" is the historical index model that he uses to create his forecasts.

In the early 1980s, the Russian geophysicist Vladimir Keilis-Borok and a unique system he developed analyzed the political landscape through 13 true-false statements about the incumbent president's party.

If six or more of the statements are true, then the challenger — Trump — is predicted to lose.

Here are the keys, and Lichtman's determinations for each:

Lichtman stated that foreign policy is complex, and these keys could change the situation.

Lichtman's analysis diverges from the typical approach of political commentators and analysts, who often rely on poll results, campaign strategies, soundbites, and policy plans.

But his system has yielded results.

Lichtman expressed confidence that his keys would yield an accurate prediction, even though the 2024 race was unprecedented due to Harris replacing Biden as the nominee in the final months of the race.

"The keys will undoubtedly work. They are the reliable compass for political prediction," he stated in Thursday's video.


by Kevin Breuninger
