To maintain brain health, steer clear of these 12 risk factors that contribute to the increase of dementia cases.

To maintain brain health, steer clear of these 12 risk factors that contribute to the increase of dementia cases.
To maintain brain health, steer clear of these 12 risk factors that contribute to the increase of dementia cases.

A global mental health crisis is on the horizon — dementia.

The World Health Organization states that a condition that affects nerve cells and damages the brain, leading to a decline in cognitive functions, can be caused by various diseases.

The increase in the world's aging population due to advancements in medicine, science, and technology is raising the risk of a larger cohort of people developing dementia.

The global population of older adults is increasing, and as a result, the number of people living with dementia is also expected to grow, reaching approximately 139 million dementia cases by the year 2050, according to a recent report.

The global population of elderly individuals will increase to 2.1 billion by 2050, predicts the World Health Organization.

Dementia risks

Nearly 10 million new cases of dementia are reported annually, making it the seventh leading cause of death and a major contributor to disability and dependency among older people worldwide, as per the WHO.

Research published in 2023 by the WHO states that although there is no cure for the condition, psychologists and researchers are working to prevent its onset.

The Lancet Commission's 2020 report identified 12 "potentially modifiable risk factors" for dementia, aside from age being the strongest known risk factor.

  • Less education
  • Hypertension
  • Hearing impairment
  • Smoking
  • Obesity
  • Depression
  • Physical inactivity
  • Diabetes
  • Low social contact
  • Excessive alcohol consumption
  • Traumatic brain injury
  • Air pollution

The Lancet states that the 12 modifiable risk factors account for approximately 40% of worldwide dementias, which could potentially be prevented or delayed.

The study suggests that while socioeconomic status and education levels can increase the risk of dementia, there are other risks that can be avoided.

According to Clinical Psychologist and Adjunct Senior Lecturer Timothy Singham, who spoke to CNBC Make It, what is good for your heart is also good for your brain due to the many vascular risk factors associated with dementia.

Singham stated that a lack of physical exercise, unhealthy eating, insufficient sleep, excessive alcohol consumption, and smoking can strain the brain and increase the risk of future impairments, similar to how these habits affect the heart.

A healthy mind is equally important as a healthy body in reducing dementia risks.

According to Singham, individuals with a history of mental health issues are more likely to develop dementia.

"Seeing symptomatic improvement in mental health throughout life may decrease the likelihood of developing dementia later on."

How to cut risks

Five key actions that can help prevent dementia include:

  • Regular physical activity
  • Eating healthy
  • Building a healthy support network
  • Having good sleep hygiene
  • Find ways to regulate stress and emotions

Taking breaks is crucial in order to avoid getting overwhelmed by the fast-paced nature of daily life.

Singham stated that if you're not physically active, you suffer from poor mental health quickly as you don't get to breathe, see nature much, and are cooped up in the office or at home all day.

It is essential to establish a strong support system, both online and offline.

According to Ng Ai Ling, Deputy Director and Principal Counsellor at Viriya Community Services, while many young people rely heavily on their online social networks, it is crucial not to abandon face-to-face meetups with friends.

Ng advises young people to prioritize good sleep hygiene and aim for at least seven hours of sleep each night, as our brains require rest.

Regulating emotions and stress is essential for mental health. Seeking professional help or relying on your support network, along with daily self-care practices such as a healthy diet, exercise, and sleep, can help protect your mental well-being.

Loved ones' struggle

The number of dementia cases is increasing, and mental health professionals anticipate that its effects will go beyond just those immediately affected.

The caregiver is struggling to understand the illness because when someone is lost to the illness, the person who was once able to relate and communicate with them is no longer the same.

Ng explained that caregivers and loved ones may experience mental health issues like anxiety, depression, and insomnia.

"Suddenly, someone you know well is forgetting you and struggling to perform as well as before their illness. This emotional distress is overwhelming," she stated.

Experts advised that in addition to caring for a dementia patient, it is crucial for those around them to prioritize their own mental and physical well-being.

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by Ernestine Siu

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