This three-time Olympian and med school student prevents burnout by recognizing the warning signs.

This three-time Olympian and med school student prevents burnout by recognizing the warning signs.
This three-time Olympian and med school student prevents burnout by recognizing the warning signs.

Kat Holmes employs an antiquated technique to manage her hectic schedule as she concurrently prepares for the Paris 2024 Olympics and attends medical school.

Since she was 15, the 30-year-old has been competing on the international fencing circuit and has relied on her paper planner to manage her busy schedule, which includes lectures, workouts, exams, and a lot of studying.

"She revealed to CNBC Make It that she writes all due dates as far into the future as possible and crosses them off once completed, giving her peace of mind."

Although she tries her best to stay organized, Holmes believes that it's impossible to prevent burnout with such a demanding schedule. However, she has learned from past errors to minimize it as much as possible.

"During my first Olympic cycle in 2016, I experienced burnout as I was always pushing myself to the limit. However, after competing at a high level for 15 years, I have learned to recognize the signs of burnout."

As her aches and pains increase, difficulty sleeping, and lack of enjoyment in usual activities become more apparent, Holmes knows to slow down.

"I need to take a break from fencing and do other types of cross training," she said. "Sometimes I need to take a week off from training, but I never take a week off from fencing specifically. Maybe it's as simple as going out with friends for a night to refresh myself."

Taking breaks is crucial in preventing burnout, which can be difficult to recover from once it fully sets in.

Despite the occasional days when she feels like she "hates" training and studying, Holmes has never considered abandoning either of her passions.

"I truly adore fencing," she declared. "I absolutely love being in the hospital and caring for patients."

"She was fortunate to have found two things she felt strongly about."

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by Nicolas Vega

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