The mayor of this picturesque Swedish town promises a superior way of living by offering affordable land to attract new residents.

The mayor of this picturesque Swedish town promises a superior way of living by offering affordable land to attract new residents.
The mayor of this picturesque Swedish town promises a superior way of living by offering affordable land to attract new residents.

Götene, located approximately 200 miles from Stockholm, offers plots of land for purchase starting at 1 krona per square meter or nine US cents per 10 square feet. Buyers must construct a home on the land and plan to either reside there permanently or use it as a vacation property, as stated by CNN.

Johan Månsson, the mayor of Götene, informed CNN that the town introduced this initiative to draw more individuals to the region, which has experienced "low birth rates and an aging population" for a while.

Månsson stated that the plots for sale had been available for a long time.

The government has decided to pause buying until early August to fine-tune the process since the town launched the scheme in May and received thousands of requests.

When Götene sells off land again, it is likely that a bidding process will be used instead of selling the plots at the low price of 1 krona per square meter.

The cost of building a house in the area is typically between 3 to 4 million krona, or $283,000 to $377,262. Plots of land in the area usually cost 500,000 krona, or $47,158, according to Månsson.

Currently, anyone can purchase a plot in the town, but there are no specific rules regarding legal status. However, visa regulations are still under the jurisdiction of the Swedish government.

The only condition for purchasing land in Götene is to construct the house within two years of the purchase.

The mayor of the town is considering selling more land or cheap houses like Italy's viral one-euro homes due to the success of their scheme.

"We possess a significant amount of land, and we must discuss ways to utilize it beyond the current 30 plots. We need to provide callers with something valuable," he stated to CNN.

Månsson said this program has brought hope to the town.

"He stated that if you're looking for a peaceful rural lifestyle, we can offer you a high standard of living. It's the ideal fit."

Götene, situated in a rural area near Lake Vänern, is close to several UNESCO-rated sites, including the Platåbergens Geopark, Lake Vänern Archipelago, and Mount Kinnekulle.

Using the OANDA conversion rate of 1 euro to 0.09 USD on July 1, 2024, all amounts were rounded to the nearest dollar.

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by Celia Fernandez

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