Nine out of the ten fastest-growing cities in the United States are located in Texas.

Nine out of the ten fastest-growing cities in the United States are located in Texas.
Nine out of the ten fastest-growing cities in the United States are located in Texas.

They say everything's bigger in Texas.

During the years 2020 to 2023, population growth appeared to be occurring.

The Lone Star State is home to nine of the ten U.S. cities and towns that experienced the fastest population growth during the specified period, according to the latest U.S. Census Bureau data.

Here's where populations changed the most from 2020 to 2023:

Celina, Texas, a city located 40 miles north of Dallas, experienced significant growth in population, earning the top spot with an increase of over 143% between 2020 and 2023. In July 2020, the city had a population of approximately 17,800. By July 2023, that number had increased to over 43,300, as estimated by the Census Bureau.

According to a 2022 community engagement survey sponsored by the city, residents report that Celina is a safe community with strong economic health and a high quality of life.

In 2023, Fulshear, Texas, which is approximately 30 miles west of Houston, experienced significant growth, with its population more than doubling from 17,558 in 2020 to 42,616.

While Big Spring, Texas, experienced the fastest population decline of -14.8% over three years, it is the only Texas city among the 10 U.S. cities and towns with the largest population drops between 2020 and 2023.

The cities that experienced the most significant growth are mainly located in Texas, while the states with the largest population decline are spread across eight states, primarily in the South and Western regions. California has three entries, including San Francisco, which is known for its high cost.

The low cost of living and lack of personal income tax in Texas may contribute to population growth in many towns, as the state ranks third in the nation for business-friendly policies, according to CNBC's 2024 rankings.

Since 2000, Texas has experienced a steady and faster population growth compared to almost any other state, with domestic migration contributing slightly more than international migration to this growth, according to the Census Bureau.

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