Jason Buechel, CEO of Whole Foods, identifies the top green-flag trait he seeks in job candidates.

Jason Buechel, CEO of Whole Foods, identifies the top green-flag trait he seeks in job candidates.
Jason Buechel, CEO of Whole Foods, identifies the top green-flag trait he seeks in job candidates.

When collaborating or hiring, Whole Foods CEO Jason Buechel prioritizes problem-solving skills as the top green-flag trait he looks for.

""I am a problem solver at heart, and I derive joy and enthusiasm from using this skill to address issues that benefit our organization, stakeholders, and team members," the 48-year-old says to CNBC Make It."

Buechel enjoys collaborating with colleagues and brainstorming solutions to obstacles facing different parts of the company during group seminars and professional development sessions.

A four-step method to solving problems on the job

Different individuals employ diverse strategies to tackle work problems. One might form a team of experts to collaborate, while another may rely on research to gather data.

Design thinking is a problem-solving hack that can be used by almost anyone, even though it was initially created for professionals in project design.

Doing it is fairly simple:

  1. Get clear on a problem in the workplace and the people it affects
  2. Brainstorm as many solutions as possible
  3. Narrow down your ideas and home in on the most feasible ones
  4. Get feedback from colleagues and managers while executing the strongest idea.

Catherine Cote, a marketing coordinator for Harvard Business School Online, writes that this framework can help generate innovative ideas that would have remained hidden otherwise.

'My best idea didn't emerge while I was confined to a desk.'

Distance from a problem can aid in finding a solution. Reflect on the last time you were stuck at work, perhaps you spent hours hoping for an answer to appear.

Deborah Golden, Deloitte's chief innovation officer, advised Make It last year that a change of scenery can be beneficial in certain situations.

Taking walks, commencing meetings with physical activity, or performing brief tasks can stimulate creative problem-solving, according to Golden.

Golden suggested a walking meeting," said the colleague. "Taking a 30-minute walk without laptops or phones helped us focus and think clearly.

She suggested brain refreshers that can be done in one-minute, five-minute, and 15-minute increments, including taking a quick nap, doing a word search, and practicing deep breathing exercises.

""When I was outside, in the shower, on a plane, listening to music, or running, my best idea came," she said."

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