Good CEOs possess a vital soft skill, according to Jamie Dimon, which is crucial for success; failing to develop this skill will ultimately lead to failure.

Good CEOs possess a vital soft skill, according to Jamie Dimon, which is crucial for success; failing to develop this skill will ultimately lead to failure.
Good CEOs possess a vital soft skill, according to Jamie Dimon, which is crucial for success; failing to develop this skill will ultimately lead to failure.

According to JPMorgan Chase CEO Jamie Dimon, one key trait distinguishes exceptional CEOs from the rest.

A great CEO, like Dimon, prioritizes learning, inquisitive conversations, and taking genuine interest in other people's points of view, even when some leaders become complacent in their lofty roles.

"Dimon believes that leaders must frequently leave their desks and actively engage with others to be effective. They should be inquisitive and ask numerous questions to continuously learn from competitors and clients."

Dimon's top priority is to meet with clients and competitors to gather feedback on his company's performance.

"When clients complain to us, they are helping us improve our services. If we are torturing them, we are likely also torturing thousands or even millions of others," Dimon stated. "CEOs and business leaders who cannot communicate effectively are making a significant error."

Amazon CEO Andy Jassy believes that inquiring minds are a trait that separates highly successful employees and leaders from their peers.

Jassy emphasized in a video published by Amazon last week that being ravenous and hungry is crucial to finding ways to learn. He stated that the biggest difference between successful and stagnant careers is a constant, humble drive for knowledge and self-improvement.

""When people reach a point where they find learning too threatening or difficult, they begin to unwind as individuals and learning professionals," said Jassy."

Aneesh Raman, LinkedIn vice president and workforce expert, stated in March that curiosity and a desire to learn can propel individuals further in their careers than their technical skills. These traits are particularly advantageous for young professionals, as they enable them to distinguish themselves in the job market and transform failures into opportunities for growth.

A Harvard degree is no longer the ultimate goal, according to Raman, who believes that a growth mindset is the new degree.

To enhance your curiosity, set aside 20 to 30 minutes daily to learn something new, as advised by TedX speaker and organizational psychologist Tomas Chamorro-Premuzic in the Harvard Business Review last year. You could explore a topic you've always been fascinated by, schedule a coffee meeting to gain more insights about a coworker or read a challenging book on an unfamiliar subject.

What topics could I spend all day thinking about?

Dimon stated that continuing to learn and explore in both familiar and new areas of interest helps individuals avoid complacency and build the heart and grit needed to advance their careers.

"Without an accurate understanding of the real world, including changes and ideas, you will eventually fail," he stated.

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