Discover how to earn money by traveling to high-end hotels and spas worldwide.

Discover how to earn money by traveling to high-end hotels and spas worldwide.
Discover how to earn money by traveling to high-end hotels and spas worldwide.

Have you ever wanted to make taking luxury vacations your full-time job?

The latest round of openings at Forbes Travel Guide presents an opportunity to evaluate the world's top hotels, restaurants, spas, and cruises.

FTG assigns evaluators to inspect luxurious properties worldwide, while maintaining anonymity and assessing them based on over 900 criteria.

The guide is seeking evaluators for both full-time and independent contractor positions in the Americas, Asia, and Europe.

The FTG inspectors will undergo a thorough training to learn how to behave like a typical guest while performing their duties without any hotel staff or management noticing they are being observed.

Amanda Frasier, President of Ratings at FTG, emphasizes that evaluators must plan all their travel to the destinations they are instructed to visit in order to maintain the ruse.

"Frasier states that guests should act like average luxury travelers and handle their own bookings, availability checks, reservations, and payments using their credit cards."

Traveling evaluators must have valid passports for international trips and ensure their drivers licenses are up to date. They are required to travel at least 10 days each month, including on weekends.

Frasier states that having a clean and up-to-date license is beneficial because some of the destinations they visit are remote.

In order to create a comprehensive appraisal, FTG inspectors must sample food and drinks at the properties they visit. While they do not need to consume every dish on the menu, they must have at least one sit-down meal, a drink at the bar, and an in-room dining experience during each trip.

An FTG representative stated that the ideal candidate for the position should be detail-oriented and located near a major airport due to the extensive travel and logistics required. The annual salary for this role ranges from $60,000 to $70,000 and may increase based on experience and responsibilities.

In addition to being fully comped for each trip, evaluators also accumulate substantial credit card rewards because they use their own cards when booking stays and travel. For trips where a companion is required, FTG will cover their expenses as well.

Having a strong social media presence will immediately disqualify you from being considered for the job. FTG values candidates who are comfortable maintaining a low profile and are willing to potentially reduce their online presence.

"Frasier emphasizes the importance of earning a spot on FTG's annual hotel ranking, stating that their evaluators are trained to detect unnatural and forced elements."

You can view all of FTG's openings here.

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by Nicolas Vega

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