Charlie Munger imparted the most valuable lesson to Melinda French Gates: "What a thing to aspire to"

Charlie Munger imparted the most valuable lesson to Melinda French Gates: "What a thing to aspire to"
Charlie Munger imparted the most valuable lesson to Melinda French Gates: "What a thing to aspire to"

Charlie Munger, one of the masterminds behind Berkshire Hathaway's decades of financial success, was not only an acclaimed investor.

According to billionaire philanthropist Melinda French Gates, he gave excellent life advice.

During a recent commencement speech at Stanford University, French Gates, 59, shared her favorite lesson from Munger's, which was that the highest form of civilization is a seamless web of deserved trust. She said, "Charlie famously said that totally reliable people, correctly trusting each other, is what we should aspire to."

"French Gates stated that as a society, we often lack the responsibility to care for those around us, whether it's someone next to us or on the opposite side of a divide or debate. However, he emphasized the importance of interdependence, as everyone will encounter moments when they need support or when they need to support others."

Last year, at the age of 99, Munger, who was the vice-chairman of Berkshire Hathaway, spent decades as Warren Buffett's longtime business partner and right-hand man. His advice often went beyond finance and investing and was usually shaped by his down-to-earth demeanor and optimistic outlook on life.

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Munger's lesson that people can achieve more together than alone was echoed in her comments. By being a caring and trustworthy individual, others will offer the same support to her. French Gates advised her audience to establish strong, reciprocal relationships with others, even if they have different opinions on significant or minor matters.

"Community is the key to rebuilding a broken world," she emphasized. "Together, we can mend what has been shattered."

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