Angela Bassett reveals the 5-word phrase her mother used to raise successful children: "She demanded nothing less than excellence."

Angela Bassett reveals the 5-word phrase her mother used to raise successful children: "She demanded nothing less than excellence."
Angela Bassett reveals the 5-word phrase her mother used to raise successful children: "She demanded nothing less than excellence."

Before Angela Bassett gained fame as a successful Hollywood actress, her mother had a determined goal to ensure her children achieved success.

In St. Petersburg, Florida, Bassett was raised by a mother who expected nothing less than excellence from her daughters. She shared this with the graduating class at Spelman College in Atlanta on Sunday.

"Bassett, 65, stated that he and his sister were taught to dream bigger than their surroundings from a young age, as his mother often said, "I don't have average children.""

"As Betty Bassett's daughter, there were expectations that I would achieve something in life," she stated.

Research indicates that children who are coddled are less likely to develop resilience and perseverance, which are crucial for building confidence to handle failures and take calculated risks.

Experts suggest that the optimism displayed by Bassett's mother could be a positive trait in parenting. Encouraging optimism around children naturally helps them view challenges as opportunities to overcome, rather than reasons to give up, says educational psychologist and parenting expert Michele Borba, as reported by CNBC Make It last year.

"Borba stated that one of the highest correlations of success is when a child says, "I'll just keep chunking it and keep on doing it," as opposed to "Why should I bother and try?""

Some parenting experts may challenge one aspect of Bassett's upbringing: The actress' family questioned her decision to pursue a career as an artist, worrying about her ability to earn a living in entertainment, Bassett stated.

Parenting expert Margot Machol Bisnow advised parents to support their children's passions, even if they have doubts about future earnings, in a Make It article last year. By demonstrating trust in their kids, parents can instill confidence in them, which will help them succeed as adults, regardless of the path they choose.

Bassett, undeterred from her purpose, obtained three degrees from Yale University, including an MFA in drama and an honorary doctorate.

She has received an honorary Oscar, two Golden Globes, and two acting Oscar nominations.

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