An expert's top 3 tips for a successful 4-day workweek transition.

An expert's top 3 tips for a successful 4-day workweek transition.
An expert's top 3 tips for a successful 4-day workweek transition.

The four-day workweek trend is gaining momentum worldwide, with an increasing number of companies adopting the policy, according to HR and workplace industry analyst Josh Bersin, who shared his insights with CNBC Make It.

An analysis by Bersin and his advisory firm, Josh Bersin Company, examined companies worldwide that have implemented a four-day workweek to identify common practices for success in this transition.

All companies that have successfully transitioned to a four-day workweek share a common trait: they view this change as a means to boost productivity, rather than simply adhering to the traditional workweek. They achieve this by utilizing technology such as AI and implementing organizational strategies to minimize wasted time.

Bersin recommended three strategies for companies to smoothly transition to a four-day workweek schedule.

It’s not about cramming 5 days of work into 4

Instead of viewing the four-day workweek initiative as an attempt to fit five days of work into four, companies should consider it a reduction in work hours project, according to Bersin.

The early pilots were working long hours by squeezing their work into four days, resulting in everyone working at night. However, this method did not solve the problems of burnout that the 4-day workweek initiative aimed to address.

Instead of forcing a four-day workweek, what he suggests companies do is to view it as a productivity initiative that enables a four-day workweek.

Are there any meetings or projects that can be eliminated or streamlined to save time and improve communication within the company?

Bersin found that many companies he spoke with contacted teams within the company to identify productivity obstacles in their work processes. Teams were excited about the concept and eager to discover ways to improve.

The Australian consulting company Inventium reported that implementing individualized productivity practices, such as scheduling deeply focused work around each employee's most productive time of day, led to a 26% increase in productivity and a 18% decrease in employee stress levels during their four-day workweek trial.

Bersin argues that the five-day workweek is a legacy in most companies, resulting in a significant amount of wasted time during the 40-hour workweek. However, companies that have implemented a four-day workweek have reported increased productivity and employee satisfaction, as they have more time outside of work.

Clarify and simplify accountability and lines of command

Bersin suggests that simplifying lines of command and flattening organizations is a popular trend to increase productivity and reduce work time.

He contends that flattening organizations has numerous advantages, including accelerating communication within teams and enhancing the company's agility.

A hierarchical structure motivates employees to work harder by offering the chance of promotion. However, Bersin suggests that corporations should provide employees with the opportunity to move horizontally rather than linking raises with upward promotions.

Clarifying accountability is crucial when flattening organizations, as flat organizations without clear accountability can result in decreased productivity.

Bersin suggests that teaching managers to be precise about their responsibilities and streamlining the organizational structure to reduce the number of managers can save time. He explains that if every action requires approval from a manager and every manager's action needs approval from their own manager, it will lead to a significant waste of time due to the constant up-and-down communication.

Utilize AI and other tech tools

Science supports Bersin's claim that AI and other tech tools can increase employee productivity by saving time.

Generative AI can increase workplace productivity by 14%, according to a recent Stanford experiment. Meanwhile, a 2023 study by Autonomy found that ChatGPT and other tools can boost productivity and allow 35 million American workers to work a four-day workweek.

Wharton organizational psychologist Adam Grant agrees.

In November 2023, Grant discussed with CNBC Make It the possibility of seriously considering shortening the workweek with the introduction of generative AI tools in the workplace. He wondered if managers could allow employees to work 10% less if they were 20-30% more productive with AI.

Bersin argues that the initial hurdle in mastering AI and tech tools is preventing companies from fully leveraging their capabilities. Prior to transitioning to a four-day workweek, teams must engage in a discussion on how to optimize their existing tools.

AI assistants, such as the Josh Bersin Company-developed Galileo, can save time for HR departments in preparing assessments, documenting employees, and creating courses. Project management websites like Asana and Trello also have integrated AI to automate routine tasks and streamline the project management process. Additionally, AI tools that analyze employees' average computer usage and suggest email sending times based on their activity can save time during in-office communications.

Providing employees with the option to watch meeting recordings at 2x speed can save time that could be used for an additional day off.

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