According to LinkedIn, these are the 5 jobs with the highest burnout rates and the reasons why.

According to LinkedIn, these are the 5 jobs with the highest burnout rates and the reasons why.
According to LinkedIn, these are the 5 jobs with the highest burnout rates and the reasons why.

One of the most popular jobs companies are hiring for has the highest burnout rate: Project manager.

Recent research from LinkedIn surveyed over 16,000 professionals in the U.S. between March and June.

According to LinkedIn, 50% of project managers in the U.S. feel burned out in their jobs, while 40% of all U.S. workers report feeling stuck and burned out.

According to LinkedIn, a third of workers in consulting, real estate, and business development roles experience stress and exhaustion, indicating that these jobs are the least resistant to burnout.

According to LinkedIn's research, these are the jobs with the highest rates of burnout.

  1. Program and project management
  2. Health-care services
  3. Community and social services
  4. Quality assurance
  5. Education

According to Kandi Wiens, director of the University of Pennsylvania's Master's in Medical Education program, burnout is not solely caused by extended hours or a substantial workload.

Wiens interviewed hundreds of individuals working in high-stress settings, such as hospital staff, project managers, and business executives, for her book "Burnout Immunity."

Project managers are responsible for ensuring that projects, which can range from constructing a new building to running a marketing campaign, are completed on time and within budget.

Burnout is a common issue for those who hold jobs that require continuous multitasking, strict deadlines, and acting as a mediator between employees and clients, as Wiens explains.

Wiens expresses concern that project managers are among the most sought-after roles in the job market.

IBM's vice president of global education and workforce development, Lydia Logan, stated in July that businesses across all industries are seeking project managers to keep up with the fast pace of technological advancement and adapt to the ongoing disruptions caused by the pandemic.

The Project Management Institute predicts that by 2030, at least 25 million individuals will be required in project management roles. This implies that approximately two million individuals must enter the field annually to meet the increasing demand.

"Wiens states that project managers often express their concern about inadequate support and recognition to keep up with the changing demands in their roles, which ultimately leads to burnout."

Wiens highlights that other professions, such as health care, education, and community and social services, are in high-stress environments and offer individuals limited control over the outcomes of their work, leading to higher burnout rates.

"Caring professions can be emotionally taxing due to the challenging and sensitive situations they involve, which may have serious consequences for a child or patient's well-being, leading to quick exhaustion."

Before accepting a job, you can assess its burnout risk by evaluating if the role matches your personality and temperament and contacting current or former employees to learn about the work environment and culture.

Wiens suggests that introverts may excel in a role with limited social interaction.

She adds that interviews are also good opportunities to inquire about the level of support provided to staff.

To prevent burnout in demanding roles, Wiens recommends inquiring about resources that can support employees' well-being, such as managerial support, flexible scheduling, or mental health benefits.

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by Morgan Smith

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