According to a former Google recruiter, the key to success is adaptability: 'The rules of the game are always evolving.'

According to a former Google recruiter, the key to success is adaptability: 'The rules of the game are always evolving.'
According to a former Google recruiter, the key to success is adaptability: 'The rules of the game are always evolving.'

According to Harvard Business School professor Joseph Fuller, adaptability is one of the many traits that successful people possess. They are "open to unexpected opportunities and embrace change instead of fearing it," he previously stated in Make It.

Workplace psychologist Benjamin Granger states that conscientiousness, which involves being organized, responsible, and hardworking, is a crucial factor that predicts performance across various jobs.

Nolan Church, a former DoorDash and Google recruiter, emphasizes the importance of continual learning. He believes that it is the most crucial trait and everything else pales in comparison. As the CEO of FairComp, Church highlights the significance of constant learning in achieving success.

'The world is a dynamic place'

None of these - life, technology, and people's needs - remain static.

He remarks that the world is constantly evolving and that strategies that were effective two years ago are now outdated. Even strategies that were successful longer ago may no longer be relevant. For instance, if you work in social media marketing and want to target specific users with your posts, you must consider how user behavior on different platforms has changed over time.

As the rules of the game are constantly changing, those who are always learning are able to adapt, according to him.

'Filling skills gaps' is key

As the way businesses and customers operate is evolving, so are the abilities required to assist them.

To remain relevant in their industries, workers in nearly half of companies, 46%, must learn to use AI, according to a recent Upwork survey of 2,500 global workers.

According to Church, acquiring these new skills can help you advance more quickly in your career.

'Making connections to innovate' helps to propel you

Finally, constantly learning helps you come up with new ideas.

Continuous learners innovate by connecting old ideas in new ways, according to the church.

Steve Jobs combined preexisting cell phones and Apple's iPods, resulting in the iPhone, according to Church.

To become a continuous learner, Church suggests accumulating information through reading, such as picking up a book about your job. If the task of starting seems daunting, he advises starting with topics that interest you and going down rabbit holes from there.

Reading a book on a topic you're passionate about can help you develop the habit of reading more, and you may discover connections between your hobbies and your job. For instance, leadership strategies for your dodgeball team could also be useful in your professional life.

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