A major concern for psychologists is that fewer people possess this 'essential' cognitive ability than ever before.

A major concern for psychologists is that fewer people possess this 'essential' cognitive ability than ever before.
A major concern for psychologists is that fewer people possess this 'essential' cognitive ability than ever before.

Richard Davis, an organizational psychologist, claims that individuals are losing their cognitive and social abilities, which are essential for a successful personal and professional life.

"According to Davis, the managing director of Russell Reynolds Associates in Toronto, there is a risk of losing the crucial capability of receptivity, which involves having good judgment and insight about people, and this is a major concern."

According to Davis, technology, social media, and artificial intelligence are responsible for the decline in people's ability to make independent judgments. He argues that people have become so dependent on their phones that they are losing the cognitive ability to make decisions on their own.

Mastering communication and public speaking is the ultimate guide.

Nowadays, people rely on GPS technology to navigate, whereas in the past, they used physical maps or memory to reach their destinations. If your phone runs out of battery, it may become more challenging to find your way.

"When Waze fails, when there's no cell signal, and when we don't have ChatGPT, what happens?" asks Davis.

Similarly, he says, the ability of people to communicate and form connections with one another is at risk.

According to Davis, if you're preoccupied with your phone and meeting people through Tinder profiles or making business decisions solely based on resumes without getting to know the person, you're losing your ability to understand and connect with others on a deeper level.

'Get your head up out of your phone'

While being tech-savvy can aid in efficiency, productivity, and learning, relying solely on devices won't lead to long-term success, according to Davis.

Some CEOs value the ability to complete tasks, solve problems, and meet people on one's own when considering potential employees for promotions.

Davis advises to limit cell phone usage. According to January data from the Pew Research Center, 20% of U.S. adults aged 18-29 are smartphone-dependent.

Reducing phone use can improve cognitive abilities and enhance receptivity through activities like exercise and reading books, according to Amy Blankson, a happiness expert and co-founder of the Digital Wellness Institute, as she stated in Make It last month.

Both exercise and reading can enhance brain function and memory, with exercise increasing blood flow and reducing stress, while reading improves long-term cognitive abilities.

"Raise your head from your phone and take the subway to midtown Manhattan to meet people in person," Davis advises. "You will gain valuable insights, make better decisions, and have a deeper understanding of others."

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