A Harvard-trained researcher has identified three key behaviors that individuals with high emotional intelligence exhibit when engaging in conversations with others.

A Harvard-trained researcher has identified three key behaviors that individuals with high emotional intelligence exhibit when engaging in conversations with others.
A Harvard-trained researcher has identified three key behaviors that individuals with high emotional intelligence exhibit when engaging in conversations with others.

What is the key to gaining someone's trust instantly? Building strong bonds with new friends, colleagues, or romantic prospects can be intimidating, but emotional intelligence is a skill that can be learned.

As a Harvard-trained emotional intelligence researcher and the founder of Mind Brain Emotion, I create card games, such as 52 Essential Relationship Skills, to help individuals develop the "human skills" necessary for success in social situations, including emotional regulation and critical thinking.

When communicating with others, individuals with high emotional intelligence consistently exhibit the following behaviors:

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1. They ask questions that elicit deep feelings

Those with high emotional intelligence possess the remarkable talent to incorporate inquiries into any dialogue to stimulate and maintain engagement.

Their initial inquiries frequently center on learning about your experiences, opinions, and emotions. They pose thoughtful, probing questions.

  • "How did you get into … ?"
  • "What are your thoughts on … "
  • "How do you feel about … ?"

They ask follow-up questions about you in a rhythmic manner, showcasing their social awareness and empathy, which makes them appear authentic rather than intrusive.

Their interest in both intellectual and emotional aspects of your life motivates them to help and inspires others to do the same. They may inquire about your passions, happy places, and pain points.

Everyone departs the conversation feeling acknowledged, listened to, and appreciated.

2. They mirror your verbal tone and body language

Mirroring others may make strangers feel instantly familiar and relatable to you.

Individuals with high emotional intelligence excel at interpreting nonverbal communication and mimic the expressions of those they converse with to strengthen relationships.

They mirror your tone, pace, and word choice in their responses, adjusting their own accordingly to match your emotions.

Building trust and showing respect involves mirroring the other person's communication style, not copying, replicating or manipulating.

The act of exhibiting this behavior stems from an internal urge to establish a deeper emotional bond.

3. They share their personal mistakes and failures

Those who possess high emotional intelligence openly reveal their setbacks, fears, and failures. They view vulnerability as a strength that helps them establish stronger connections.

Individuals with high EQ have the emotional stability and bravery to be disliked.

They possess an uncanny ability to transform negativity into productivity by observing how others respond to their setbacks and distinguishing between supporters and detractors.

Self-management and resilience, two essential traits of emotional intelligence, are demonstrated by those who concentrate on acquiring knowledge from their failures.

Highly emotionally intelligent individuals inspire others to share, learn, and grow together by openly discussing their positive and negative experiences.

As a Harvard-trained educator and EQ researcher, Dr. Jenny Woo founded Mind Brain Emotion and developed a series of educational card games and mental health tools to help people develop human skills in the age of AI. Her award-winning card games, including 52 Essential Coping Skills, 52 Essential Critical Thinking, and 52 Essential Conversations, are used in over 50 countries. Connect with her on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram.

To become a successful and confident communicator, enroll in CNBC's online course, "Become an Effective Communicator: Master Public Speaking." Our program will teach you how to speak clearly and confidently, manage your nerves, choose the right words, and use effective body language to make a great first impression. Sign up now.

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