A Harvard-trained coach reveals the top phrase that parents with high emotional intelligence use to manage stress.

A Harvard-trained coach reveals the top phrase that parents with high emotional intelligence use to manage stress.
A Harvard-trained coach reveals the top phrase that parents with high emotional intelligence use to manage stress.

Nearly half of parents surveyed by the American Psychological Association reported feeling overwhelming stress on most days.

The prevalence of this unrelenting strain in the U.S. led the Surgeon General to issue an advisory warning on the mental health and well-being of parents and caregivers.

Despite spending more time with their children than parents did in the mid-'60s, many parents today still experience guilt and worry that they're not doing enough. In today's age of constant comparison and childhood enrichment, it's easy to feel inadequate while overparenting.

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As a Harvard-trained EQ educator, I've discovered that parents with high emotional intelligence often use the phrase "I'm good enough" to reduce stress and raise capable children.

Staying true to what matters most to you and your child's needs is what "good enough" is all about, without getting caught up in other people's unrealistic expectations.

Here's how they do it:

They let go of the need for social approval

Parents frequently express concerns about their kids being influenced by peer pressure and social media trends in my workshops. However, we seldom discuss our own struggles with peer pressure, such as the pressure to present a perfect image and demonstrate the success of our children.

By linking our self-esteem to our children's accomplishments, we inadvertently instill anxiety and self-doubt in both ourselves and our kids. This change in perspective, from nurturing to achieving, is a significant factor in the development of chronic stress and exhaustion.

Each individual's circumstances are distinct, and every child grows at their own rate. Following the digital Joneses or imitating parenting fashions will only deplete our energy and divert our attention from what truly matters.

Instead of fearing missing out, embrace the joy of missing out by establishing your "good enough" anchor by defining your parenting standards, acknowledging limitations, and embracing trade-offs.

For me, this means doing things like:

  • Throwing a simple, cozy birthday celebration instead of stressing over elaborate party decorations
  • The importance of my involvement in my child's event outweighs the need to be present.
  • Without worrying about what other parents are enrolling their children in, I will choose the activity my child is interested in.

What external factors are causing me stress? What can I release that is no longer beneficial to me?

They create an "I will NOT do" list

Parents with high EQ often reduce stress by delegating tasks their kids can handle on their own.

To prevent overparenting and reduce stress, create a "I will NOT do" list and assign age-appropriate chores to your child.

As my kids have grown older, I no longer perform tasks such as waking them up for school, washing their dishes, doing their laundry, cleaning the toilet, or supervising their homework completion. Instead, I trust that they can handle these responsibilities on their own.

This method prepares kids for adulthood by teaching them to take charge, handle disappointment, and solve problems on their own.

By adopting a "good enough" mindset, you can release the pressure to strive for perfection and instead focus on what truly matters. Allow yourself to be more forgiving and give your children the freedom to take charge of their own growth, mastery, and independence.

As a Harvard-trained educator and EQ researcher, Dr. Jenny Woo founded Mind Brain Emotion and developed a series of educational card games and mental health tools to help people develop human skills in the age of AI. Her award-winning card games, including 52 Essential Coping Skills, 52 Essential Interview Skills, and 52 Essential Social Skills, are used in over 50 countries. Connect with her on LinkedIn, YouTube, and Instagram.

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