A Gen Z couple who resided in the U.S. has relocated to a houseboat in London and is enjoying their new lifestyle, stating, "We feel like we're living in a fairy tale."

A Gen Z couple who resided in the U.S. has relocated to a houseboat in London and is enjoying their new lifestyle, stating, "We feel like we're living in a fairy tale."
A Gen Z couple who resided in the U.S. has relocated to a houseboat in London and is enjoying their new lifestyle, stating, "We feel like we're living in a fairy tale."

Maisy Dewey, a 25-year-old dual citizen of the U.S. and the UK, was raised in the New Jersey suburbs but frequently traveled back and forth to the United Kingdom due to her father's London roots.

Dewey and her partner, Harrison Kent, 25, met in college and lived abroad together. They resided in Hong Kong while attending the Savannah College of Art and Design, and Dewey later studied in France on her own.

The couple relocated to Philadelphia after graduation to be near their loved ones. Dewey landed her "ideal" job as a junior graphic designer at Anthropologie's headquarters, while Kent secured employment in a furniture showroom.

Kent and Dewey resided in a townhouse with a shared living space and incurred $966 in rent each month. Additionally, they spent $80 monthly on Wi-Fi.

In 2022, the couple, who had been living in Philadelphia for two years, began considering a life in the UK.

"We knew that if we didn't act now, we would never have the opportunity to live in the UK full time," Dewey says to CNBC Make It. "Having multiple passports is a privilege, and I didn't want my 20s to pass without experiencing life in the UK."

Kent was accepted to the Kingston University Masters of Product & Furniture Design in London in November 2022, and soon after, preparations began for the couple's transatlantic move.

In a year, Dewey and Kent organized multiple yard sales to dispose of some of their possessions. Following that, the couple, along with their 2-year-old Dalmatian dog named Kipper, were prepared to relocate to London. However, they were still without a permanent residence in the city.

In August 2023, Dewey and Kent relocated to London with three checked bags, two carry-ons, two personal items, and Kipper. Due to the challenges of finding a permanent living arrangement in London while still in America, they opted for a short-term rental.

"Dewey says, "I thought we would feel settled after the first month, but that didn't happen. When you move to a new place, you don't consider not having basic things. It was strange to try to settle in without many possessions.""

Dewey quickly secured a job in design in London, while Kent found employment in a furniture showroom and began working towards his Master's degree.

The couple, after months of searching for a place to live, thought they'd found their perfect home, but when they reached out, the listing had already been taken. The broker then offered to take them to see a moored houseboat.

The couple rented a 65-ft widebeam boat with a living room, two bedrooms, a full bathroom, and a kitchen for $2,236 per month in November 2023. They paid a security deposit of $2,500.

"Living on the boat has made me even more of a homebody," Dewey says. "It's like we're living in a children's picture book, which adds a fun element to life."

Kent misses junk food and the convenience of being able to go to a grocery store at any time of day, while Dewey admits that it took the couple four months to adjust to life abroad and she misses her loved ones the most.

Dewey and Kent claim they spend more time in London, relying solely on public transportation, which results in monthly expenses of over £200 or US $253.

""Exploring the city together has made us more mindful of our spending habits, resulting in more savings. Living in a larger and more expensive city is definitely worth it for us, as London is an amazing place to call home," Dewey says."

Dewey and Kent plan to visit their families in the U.S. this year, but they have no plans to return to the country anytime soon.

"We might never return if everyone joins us here."

For years, Dewey has been documenting her life on TikTok, and lately, she has been sharing more and more about her life abroad with her followers.

"Dewey hopes that his videos provide a realistic portrayal of life in London for those who move abroad, and offers tips and advice for those who are currently going through or planning an international relocation."

She adds, "At this point, it feels natural for me to share my experiences and I've been surprised by how many people find it both entertaining and helpful for their own lives."

The conversion rate used to convert British pounds to USD was 1 British pound to 1.27 USD on July 3, 2024, and all amounts are rounded to the nearest dollar.

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by Celia Fernandez

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