A career coach finds it 'terrifying' to reach out to someone on LinkedIn.

A career coach finds it 'terrifying' to reach out to someone on LinkedIn.
A career coach finds it 'terrifying' to reach out to someone on LinkedIn.

Informational interviews can aid in discovering more about a job in your field or another industry, finding a mentor, and potentially securing a job offer in the future.

It is easiest to obtain a referral when you have a direct connection or someone in your network knows the person. However, you can still send a cold message via LinkedIn or email to request one even if you don't know them. Career coach Phoebe Gavin advises against immediately asking for time when reaching out.

Here's how she recommends building up that correspondence.

'Ask one clear, specific question'

Gavin emphasizes that time is our most limited and valuable resource. Established professionals who have been in the workforce for a while are likely to have multiple responsibilities in their personal and professional lives, making it harder for them to spare time for a stranger.

Instead of requesting an informational interview right away, consider sending a message introducing yourself and asking a clear, specific question related to their insights via email.

If you ask them about a book that helped them in their career or a podcast that helped them get better at their job, they are more likely to respond.

That then "opens up a conversation," she says.

Start with 15 minutes

After taking their advice and joining the organization, respond to their email and thank them for their help and response.

Gavin suggests that if it's easier, they could just talk for 15 minutes. He's open to the idea of an informational interview and is willing to jump on a call if that would be more convenient for you.

She remarks that it's not difficult to convince someone to give you time, but most people immediately jump to the idea of taking you out for coffee, which is frightening because the person you're reaching out to doesn't understand who you are or what that could mean.

Don't say 'pick your brain'

Gavin advises against using the phrase "pick your brain" in cold emailing or LinkedIn messaging as it can come across as transactional.

The individuals who receive your message are content with being compensated with warm fuzzies, feeling like they have made a positive impact. However, this motivation may not be sustained if they feel like they will be bombarded with questions and then left without any follow-up.

She suggests getting some of your unique insights, learning from your experience or expertise, or getting a glimpse into your process.

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