The mortality rate among mothers in the United States has increased, particularly for Latinas.

The mortality rate among mothers in the United States has increased, particularly for Latinas.
The mortality rate among mothers in the United States has increased, particularly for Latinas.
  • Among developed countries, the United States has one of the highest maternal mortality rates, and women of color, particularly black and Hispanic, face greater challenges.
  • According to Blue Cross Blue Shield, Latinas with private health insurance have a 22% higher rate of complications during pregnancy compared to non-Hispanic white women, and this rate is even worse for low-income Hispanic women who receive Medicaid.
  • Nonprofit organizations such as the Hartford Hispanic Health Council in Connecticut focus on assisting low-income and immigrant Latinas during pregnancy, childbirth, and the postpartum period.
  • More and more, health insurers and large employers like Walmart are investing in doulas and support programs for pregnant women to reduce financial and emotional costs.
Ayudando Latinas prevenir las complicaciones del embarazo

In Peru, Zaza Cristina Robles worked as a pregnancy counselor. Upon arriving in the United States with 16 weeks pregnant, she immediately sought medical attention after settling with her in-laws.

When we saw the bill, which was so expensive, my husband and I thought: "If this is just for the doctor's visit, imagine how expensive the birth will be!" We were scared.

The woman in contact with the Hispanic Health Council in Hartford, Connecticut, is an organization without profit. The program "Midwife" (or "doula") of the organization helps low-income immigrant Latinas and pregnant women to navigate the complications of the US healthcare system.

Robles stated, "They really helped me clarify many of my fears."

Robles received medical coverage with the help of the program while she and her husband were seeking asylum in the US. Her godmother assisted her in finding a doctor who treated low-income patients and connected her with other services.

Bianca Noroñas, director of the Comadrona program, stated that one of the things we do at the Hispanic Council is provide childbirth preparation classes in the participants' own language.

The nonprofit program's mothers have been able to avoid medical complications during childbirth thanks to the guidance and social services provided.

"If you don't receive education and support, it will directly impact your life," said Noroñas.

In the US, the rate of maternal mortality and morbidity (complications during childbirth) is almost double that of other developed countries.

Marie Thoma, a professor in the Department of Family Sciences at the School of Public Health at the University of Maryland, stated that we have been paying more attention to understand why these differences persist and why our numbers are so high.

Much has been invested in addressing health factors related to pregnancy before, during, and after in the United States, which can be improved.

Morbilidad y mortalidad materna entre las latinas

During the pandemic, maternal mortality in the US worsened, particularly for Latinas. According to the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, the US recorded 23.8 deaths per 100,000 live births in 2020, an 18.4% increase from 2019. For black women, the maternal mortality rate increased by 25%, while for Hispanic women it increased by 44%.

Although researchers are unsure why Latinas experienced disproportionately higher mortality rates in 2020, the general trend in the US has been that women of color have had worse outcomes during childbirth.

According to a study by the Asociación Blue Cross Blue Shield, Latinas with private health insurance have a 22% higher rate of severe complications during pregnancy compared to non-Hispanic white women, while low-income Hispanic women who receive Medicaid have a 28% higher rate of complications.

The higher rates of obesity and chronic diseases like diabetes among women of color can impact maternal mortality. Financial barriers to obtaining adequate healthcare and cultural barriers in medical attention also contribute to worse outcomes for black and Hispanic women, said Dr. Yvette Martas, a member of the Hispanic Health Council board.

Martas stated that it is crucial to be heard, emphasizing the need for the healthcare system to support mothers beyond the delivery room, "creating a culture where this is not viewed as a disease but a natural process of reproduction."

Los altos costos estimulan las inversiones

The Commonwealth Fund found that the cost of maternal and infant mortality in the US in 2019 was $32.3 billion from conception to the fifth birthday of the child. This amounts to an additional $8,624 per mother-child pair, according to the researchers.

Health insurers and large employers, including Walmart, have taken note of the issue. This year, Walmart expanded coverage of support programs for pregnant workers in four states by providing up to $1,000 for doula services.

Through its initiative to support pregnancy, Blue Cross Blue Shield of South Carolina has seen a significant decrease in maternal and infant mortality rates. The Centering Pregnancy program of the insurance company has reduced the rate of newborns who need to be admitted to the neonatal intensive care unit from 13.9% to 3.5%, resulting in an average savings of $67,000 in costs of the neonatal intensive care unit.

I believe that offering doula programs and paid leave: there are many things that I think our companies can do... that could really help moms during and after returning to work," said Thoma. "This would also benefit the company.

After pregnancy, the Comadrona program also offers postpartum support. Robles stated that she received assistance with diapers and advice on breastfeeding.

"Thank you God... We came out well and were attended to very well," said Robles, whose labor was complication-free.

—  Traducción hecha por Sergio Cándido, jefe de redacción, TELEMUNDO Digital.

by Bertha Coombs
