While Americans and Japanese take fewer vacation days, Europeans claim to feel more "vacation deprived."

While Americans and Japanese take fewer vacation days, Europeans claim to feel more "vacation deprived."
While Americans and Japanese take fewer vacation days, Europeans claim to feel more "vacation deprived."

A recent Expedia report reveals that approximately two out of every three workers globally are experiencing vacation deprivation.

The report indicates that cultures that take the most vacation days have the highest levels of happiness.

Despite taking the most vacation days in the survey, 84% of Germans and 69% of French respondents feel they don't have enough time off, according to Expedia's "Vacation Deprivation Report" published on June 20.

While Americans take the least time off per year (11 days), Japanese workers take more time off (12 days). Despite this, a survey found that 65% of Americans feel "vacation deprived," compared to only 53% of Japanese workers.

In the United States, the feeling of vacation deprivation is at an 11-year high, despite a decrease in rates in many other parts of the world, according to Expedia's 24th annual report on the topic.

What's happening in France and Germany?

According to Expedia's report, cultural norms surrounding work and leisure time have a greater impact on feeling "vacation deprived" than the actual amount of time away from work.

"According to Christie Hudson, head of public relations for Expedia in the United States, the French view time off as a basic, fundamental right, while Americans tend to treat it as a guilty pleasure. As a result, the average French worker feels that even a month of time off is not enough."

Americans take less time off but Europeans say they're more 'vacation deprived'

According to Hudson, only 42% of Germans feel their employers support their vacation time, which is the lowest rate among all markets.

She stated that being unable to use the days off during vacation can lead to guilt and not feeling refreshed after the trip, which she referred to as "vacation deprivation."

Wasted vacation days

Although many workers reported feeling vacation-deprived, nearly all respondents admitted to letting some of their annual leave expire.

On average, Hong Kongers meticulously planned their leave, ensuring that not a single day went unused, according to a report. Interestingly, Hong Kong was the only location where workers said they planned to take more time off than they're given, as per Hudson.

"According to Hudson, in 2024, 15% of Hong Kongers plan to take 31 vacation days, which is more than the average allotted 25.5 days. This could be due to the strong pro-PTO culture in Hong Kong, as 80% of Hong Kong workers agree that their employers are supportive of employees taking their vacation time, which is one of the highest rates globally."

She remarked that those few extra days here and there are often overlooked.

According to the report, Singaporeans meticulously plan their vacation time, ensuring that only one of their 20 annual leave days goes unused.

On average, respondents in Japan left seven out of 19 days unused.

One big break vs. many mini-breaks

Despite taking only 12 days off annually, Japanese respondents reported experiencing the least amount of "vacation deprivation," according to the report.

The report proposed that the reason for this issue could be related to how Japanese people plan and spend their days off.

In Japan, nearly one in three workers takes a day off monthly, while in the United States, only 5% of workers do so, according to Expedia's report.

Melanie Fish, head of Expedia Group brands public relations, stated that in Japan, individuals typically take vacation time on a monthly basis rather than just twice annually.

The report suggests that many people schedule mini-breaks during federal and school holidays to take short, frequent breaks from their routines.

The French also follow a similar approach, spreading their days throughout the year, it was stated.

On the other hand, Americans typically save their vacation time for a large annual trip, which is why they often allow some of their annual leave to go unused, according to the statement.

According to the report, relieving the stress of a major annual trip can save time, money, and PTO for U.S. travelers who are deprived.

In 2023, over half of Americans who left some of their leave on the table cited "being too busy to plan or go on vacation" as the reason.

While Americans prioritize relaxation during their trips less than other nationalities, Japanese travelers prioritize it the most, according to Expedia's report.

by Monica Pitrelli

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