Hollywood studio lot tours: An in-depth examination of the business operations

Hollywood studio lot tours: An in-depth examination of the business operations
Hollywood studio lot tours: An in-depth examination of the business operations
  • Film buffs can now access more behind-the-scenes glimpses at the filmmaking process than ever before, thanks to major movie studios.
  • The major studios, including Universal, Warner Bros., Sony, and Paramount, utilize tours to exhibit the filmmaking process, encompassing aspects such as set design, sound recording, costumes, and props.
  • In addition to generating income for the studios, they provide a training program for entry-level staff and can be utilized as additional advertising for upcoming projects.

For over a century, Hollywood has taken viewers on journeys beyond their own reality, from the glamorous streets of New York to the magical land of Oz.

In Los Angeles, numerous acres of land are devoted to creating stories for both large and small screens, and movie studios are providing an increasing number of opportunities for cinema enthusiasts to witness the process of filmmaking.

Being able to visit the studios where iconic TV shows and movies have been filmed, and experiencing the physical space where these productions have taken place for over a century, seems like the ultimate tourist destination, according to Robert Thompson, a professor at Syracuse University.

The studio lot tours, hosted by , , and , provide a comprehensive look at the movie-making process, including set design, sound recording, costumes, and props. These paid experiences not only generate revenue for the studios but also serve as a training program for new employees and a marketing tool for upcoming projects.

The Los Angeles Tourism Board and Convention Board's president and CEO, Adam Burke, stated that Los Angeles is the only destination globally where visitors can tour various working studio lots, situated in different neighborhoods within the city.

The film industry generates over $100 billion in tourism, as reported by the Los Angeles Department of Public Works. Attractions such as studio tours, the Hollywood sign, the Grauman's Chinese Theatre, and the Hollywood Walk of Fame draw tourists from all over the world.

Burke stated that while visitors are frequently attracted to studio tours due to their favorite TV shows or movies, he hopes they gain a greater comprehension of the entertainment industry, LA's distinctive culture, and the city's rich creative heritage upon departure.

Each of the major studios, including Universal, Warner Bros., Sony, and Paramount, declined to disclose the annual revenue generated by their studio tours or the number of visitors they receive. However, all noted that there is still strong demand and foot traffic for their offerings.

Studio lot tours can attract a wide range of individuals, from those who are highly interested in the behind-the-scenes operations and production process to those who simply enjoy the experience of being in the location where all the action takes place.


Sony Pictures Studio, the newest tenant of its 45-acre lot in Culver City, is now the home of popular TV shows "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune," which were originally filmed on the studio's grounds.

Sony offers a two-hour walking tour for $55 per person, which begins with a visit to a replica of the "Seinfeld" set and a display of props from popular films and TV shows such as "Spider-Man," "Justified," "Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle," "Groundhog Day," "A League of Their Own," and "The Social Network."

Visitors will promptly notice the grand 94-foot rainbow, created by artist Tony Tasset in 2012, that dominates the studio. This impressive structure is a tribute to "The Wizard of Oz," which was filmed on the lot over 85 years ago. Tour guides enthusiastically highlight the sound stages where various scenes from the movie took place, including the iconic Wicked Witch melting sequence.

The modern tenants of the lot, "Jeopardy" and "Wheel of Fortune," are among the most-watched programs on television outside of live sports. When the shows are not filming, guests can step onto the sets. Otherwise, the tour guide will showcase different locations. Tours change daily based on which areas of the studio are open to the public and which are closed for production use.

Guests can visit Sony's Foley studio to witness the creation of sound for movies and TV shows.

The disorganized room contains a variety of flooring materials, including wood, concrete, stone, and gravel. There are numerous handles on doors with different types of locks, a collection of various shoes on a shelf, a kitchen setup with an array of plastic and metal containers, cups, and cutlery, as well as a closet filled with jackets that can produce different zipper sounds.

Cars from "Breaking Bad" and "Ghostbusters" are also showcased.

Warner Bros.

Warner Bros. goes big for patrons of its studio lot tours.

The company offers a guided tour of the grounds, ranging from one to three hours, and has created a full interactive sound stage, known as Stage 48, to showcase the process of filmmaking and offer guests various photo opportunities.

Guests can explore the suburban filming locations for "Friends," "The Big Bang Theory," and "Gilmore Girls," as well as the jungle areas used in "Jurassic Park," "True Blood," and "Aquaman," through a combination of walking and being carted around backlot neighborhoods.

On the Warner Bros. lot, non-Warner Bros. productions frequently take place, a common occurrence among all Los Angeles' studios. Due to necessity, productions often rent studio space at other studios. For instance, the iconic upside-down kiss on the fire escape from "Spider-Man" (2002) was produced by Sony but filmed on the Warner Bros.' lot.

The guided tour includes a brief stroll through Warner Bros.' extensive prop house, featuring replicas of falcon statues from "The Maltese Falcon," an entire section of marble and faux marble busts, and a room filled with lamps, candelabras, and chandeliers.

Guests reach Stage 48 after the guided tour, where they can find a replica of Central Perk from "Friends," complete with buyable food and drinks.

On recreated and green-screen sets, fans of "Friends," "The Big Bang Theory," "Lord of the Rings," the Batman films, and "Harry Potter" can capture photos. Some of these photo opportunities require additional payment.

The post-production process is showcased through interactive stations and costumes from famous classic films in this area.

Visitors are escorted to the welcome center to view exhibits featuring costumes and props from various Warner Bros. films, including "Wonder Woman," "Aquaman," and "The Flash," as well as "Game of Thrones" and Harry Potter and the Fantastic Beasts franchises.

The cost of a one-hour guided tour plus two hours of unguided access to Stage 48 is $73 per ticket. In contrast, a two-hour guided tour with Stage 48 access and lunch costs $160, while a deluxe three-hour guided tour with fine-dining lunch and Stage 48 access is $330 per ticket.

The Turner Classic Movies tour by Warner Bros. takes guests through filming locations for movies such as "Casablanca," "My Fair Lady," and "The Music Man."


Paramount's studio lot tour offers a behind-the-scenes look at the production process of movies and TV shows, while Warner Bros. tour focuses more on completed works.

The tour involves a mix of walking and being transported around the lot, with a Paramount page program guide leading guests to meet with those responsible for keeping production running.

These pages serve as studio tour guides for the first six months of their employment with the studio. After that, they become eligible to work utility positions around the lot, assist with audience management for TV shows, and even be hired to do VIP tours.

The Paramount tour offers three different levels of access and duration, with the regular studio tour lasting two hours and costing $65 per person, the premier tour lasting three hours and granting access to the archives and more of the backlot for $150 per person, and the VIP tour lasting four hours and costing $215 per person.

The VIP option includes a private lunch or breakfast and introduces guests to a variety of tradesmen on the lot, including lighting crew members, signmakers, and an on-staff archivist who will guide them through a collection of archival costumes and props, including jewelry.

Visitors will have the opportunity to explore the location of director Alfred Hitchcock's office, stroll around "New York," and gaze into the "blue sky tank," which has been featured in "Star Trek IV: The Voyage Home," "The Truman Show," and "The Curious Case of Benjamin Button."

The warehouse contains various vehicles, including the "egg mobile" from "Sonic the Hedgehog," a pod from "Star Trek: Beyond," and a life-size Bumblebee from the Transformer franchise.

Universal Studios

Universal Studios Hollywood initially started as a studio tour 60 years ago, offering guests behind-the-scenes access to the production lot. Over time, the park evolved to include special effects attractions.

The event has evolved to feature a simulated flash flood, an earthquake demonstration, and the sudden appearance of Jaws in a nearby lake.

The theme park's admission includes a one-hour studio lot tour attraction featuring two immersive rides: one where King Kong battles dinosaurs and another where the Fast and Furious cast engages in a high-speed street chase. Guests experience these rides while seated on their trams.

The standard tour includes visits to iconic film locations such as the Bates Motel, the plane crash site, and the courthouse.

The cost of general admission to the theme park starts at $109 per person and may fluctuate based on the time of year, with holiday seasons typically being more expensive.

For those interested in a more comprehensive exploration of the studio lot, VIP tour packages are available for purchase. These packages offer exclusive backstage access, a private trolley, a buffet lunch, and priority access to all rides and attractions at the park. The cost of the VIP experience ranges from $379 to $499 per person.

"Hollywood's elusive concept often leaves visitors wondering if they'll encounter a movie star while in Los Angeles," said Dennis Satterfield, director of studio tour operations at Universal Studios Hollywood. "The Studio Tour alleviates some of that curiosity by providing guests with a real movie studio experience, including access to production sets and a chance to see movie stars in their natural environment."

Disclosure: Comcast is the parent company of NBCUniversal and CNBC.

by Sarah Whitten

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