A guide for introverts on how to cope with group travel.

A guide for introverts on how to cope with group travel.
A guide for introverts on how to cope with group travel.

For the estimated 57% of introverted individuals, the idea of constant "togetherness" with friends, family, or strangers in a tour group can be overwhelming.

Although solo travel is ideal for introverts who recharge by spending time alone, the majority of trips are still taken with others.

To avoid the most uncomfortable moments, introverts suggest following certain ground rules.

Rule 1: The 'golden rule' of group travel

The most popular recommendation by far: Book your own room.

"Jenny Olsen, a Los Angeles-based public relations consultant who describes herself as a "total introverted traveler," stated that this provides morning and evening downtime to defuse, regroup, and refresh."

If you have to share a room, she suggested sleeping in and ordering room service for breakfast alone in bed.

Olsen recommends ordering room service daily, regardless of the meal time.

Dori Nix, a marketing and communications director for Adventures in Good Company, recommends staying alone even if it means paying a single supplement.

""I can only function in social environments during the day if I have a space to decompress and escape," she said."

Rule No. 2: Don't get trapped by talkers

In Psychology Today, Sophia Dembling advises introverts to carefully consider group trips before embarking on them.

"A tour bus full of first-timers to Europe might include a lot of friendly folks who love making friends," she wrote. "But I don't mean that in a good way."

John Hackston, head of thought leadership at The Myers-Briggs Company, stated that headphones are an effective way to avoid unwanted conversations, particularly during flights.

The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator assessment is a widely used test to determine introversion and extroversion tendencies, concepts popularized by Swiss psychiatrist Carl Jung over a century ago.

Some introverts may find conversing with strangers uncomfortable, according to Hackston. He recommends having an exit strategy.

"Be prepared to 'go to the restroom' or 'step outside to make a phone call' if you need some space," he stated.

Patty Civalleri, a travel writer, advised introverts not to be passive in social situations. She suggested not to let oneself be trapped by an endless talker.

"To politely excuse oneself from a conversation, one can look over the shoulder of the speaker and say something like "Wow, look over there. That looks interesting. Excuse me while I go check it out," or "I see a great photo or selfie opportunity. I'm going to grab it before it gets away.""

Rule No. 3: Own the need for 'alone time'

Before embarking on the trip, it's important to discuss with your travel companions, advised Jonathan Feniak, general counsel at legal firm LLC Attorney.

"As a child, I didn't understand the importance of taking time alone to recharge my social energy," he stated. "After spending 7 or more days with people non-stop, it becomes increasingly difficult to maintain that energy without taking a break. So now, I inform my companions about my need for alone time beforehand."

He assured them that they were not the issue.

"They may misinterpret your energy or take it personally if they don't know about your introverted personality until you're mid-vacation," he said.

Civalleri stated that while Western societies have traditionally valued extroverted individuals who enjoy being around others, it is perfectly acceptable to desire solitude.

""It's okay to ask for solitude. We all need a break from socializing, activities, and the outside world. Spending time alone by the pool with a book can be very rejuvenating," she said to CNBC Travel."

Hackston from the Myers-Briggs Company advised introverts to establish limits on vacation, which could entail pursuing their own interests at times.

"It's not necessary to participate in every activity planned by your group," he stated. "Some may find spending extended periods in a library or museum uninteresting, but if this is your preference, take your time to explore it at your own pace."

Rule 4: Keep groups small, but not too small

Kelly Kimple, CEO of Adventures in Good Company, prohibits large tour buses.

"As an introvert, I definitely require small groups and minimal time in vehicles. Long drives in a small space where I can be caught up in hours of conversations can be exhausting for me!"

A field biologist from rural New Hampshire, Kimple, prefers trips with ample quiet time. Her company organizes outdoor trips for small groups of women that include activities like hiking and even sketching in the Rocky Mountains.

While some introverts prefer solo travel, Brooke Webber, a Los Angeles-based marketing professional, recommends traveling with a small group.

"For me, having more people around made it easier to have 'me-time' as necessary," she said. "If you travel in a group of 3+ people, you aren't leaving a companion alone if you want to take a few hours or a day to explore solo or rest."

Webber said that having the option to break away at any moment keeps her energized and less likely to need to take social time because she feels it is an option, not an obligation.

Lake CEO David Ciccarelli enjoys traveling with a small group of friends and occasionally takes a break to later rejoin the group.

He advises packing a few items to help tune out the world.

""Earplugs and an eye mask are essential for me to relax at night and have some privacy during long train rides, flights, or an afternoon nap in a hotel room," he stated."

by Monica Pitrelli

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