Siemens Energy chair says German public concern over gloom is greater than inflation rise.

Siemens Energy chair says German public concern over gloom is greater than inflation rise.
Siemens Energy chair says German public concern over gloom is greater than inflation rise.
  • Siemens Energy chair Joe Kaeser expressed more concern about the public mood in Germany than the recent inflation increase, which he said he was also watching closely, according to a CNBC report on Wednesday.
  • He stated that people are pessimistic and everyone is inquiring about what will occur next and what is in store for them. To uplift their spirits, it is necessary to clarify this to them.
People must be honest about compromises needed for energy transition: Siemens Energy chair

In Germany, Siemens Energy chair Joe Kaeser is more worried about negative public opinion than he is about the recent increase in inflation.

The former CEO of Siemens stated that he was not overly concerned with the annual headline inflation figure because of base effects and the monthly and quarterly price readings.

Kaeser expressed his concern about the negative mood in Germany, stating that people are pessimistic and asking about the future. He emphasized the need to explain the situation to people and help them become more optimistic again.

Before the dawn, the night is always darkest, but look at the opportunities.

Kaeser urged the German government to create a roadmap for energy, jobs, and economic growth, while also moving past current industry disputes. Additionally, he emphasized the importance of being a role model on emissions reduction and developing economically viable products and services for the future.

He added, "We must shift from defense to offense once more."

Kaeser stated that the major issues facing Siemens Energy's wind power unit will be resolved when we acknowledge that we are unable to escape the energy triangle.

He stated that the challenge lies in achieving a balance between sustainability, affordability, and security of supply.

To achieve sustainability at a lower cost, we need to use bridging technology such as gas-fired turbines that can also use hydrogen. This means we must be honest about the true cost of sustainability.

by Jenni Reid
