Ken Griffin of Citadel believes that AI will not replace human jobs in the near future.

Ken Griffin of Citadel believes that AI will not replace human jobs in the near future.
Ken Griffin of Citadel believes that AI will not replace human jobs in the near future.

Citadel CEO Ken Griffin expressed doubt that AI could replace human jobs quickly, citing limitations in machine learning models used in specific situations.

"Griffin expressed skepticism about the claim that large language models will revolutionize everything humans do in three years during a Citadel event for new interns in New York."

The increasing prevalence of AI has prompted society to contemplate its extensive influence on society, including the potential for technology-induced job losses. Elon Musk, CEO of Tesla, has frequently cautioned about the dangers of AI to humanity, characterizing it as "more dangerous" than nuclear weapons and predicting a future where "no job is required."

Griffin, whose hedge fund and electronic market maker have been at the forefront of automation, stated that machine-learning tools have their limitations when it comes to adapting to changes.

"Self-driving cars struggle in the North because of snow. They perform better when the terrain is consistent."

The billionaire investor believes that advanced technology will eventually eliminate cancer.

"The advancement of computing power enables us to tackle previously unsolvable problems, and this will drastically revolutionize healthcare, eradicating cancer in our lifetime, as predicted by Griffin."

The CEO stated that Citadel has always prioritized hiring and empowering young employees and interns with responsibility.

Over 85,000 students applied for 300 positions in the firm's internship program this year, resulting in an acceptance rate of less than 0.5%, lower than that of Harvard University and MIT.

Griffin stated that the individuals we hire currently will become Citadel's leaders in a short timeframe, not in 30 or 40 years.

by Yun Li
