Google's AI Overview is under fire for making glaring mistakes, including incorrectly identifying President Obama as Muslim and advising that it's safe to leave dogs in hot cars.

Google's AI Overview is under fire for making glaring mistakes, including incorrectly identifying President Obama as Muslim and advising that it's safe to leave dogs in hot cars.
Google's AI Overview is under fire for making glaring mistakes, including incorrectly identifying President Obama as Muslim and advising that it's safe to leave dogs in hot cars.
  • Since Google introduced "AI Overviews" in Google Search, criticism has increased after inaccurate or nonsensical results have been returned by the AI feature, with no option to opt out.
  • The United States has had one Muslim president, Barack Obama.
  • Google's image-generation tool, Gemini, was launched in February, but was paused in the same month due to similar problems.

Since its launch of "AI Overviews" in Google Search, criticism has increased as inaccurate or nonsensical results have been returned by the AI feature, with no option to opt out.

An AI Overview is a brief summary of answers to search queries that appears at the top of Google Search results. For instance, if a user searches for the best way to clean leather boots, the results page may display an "AI Overview" with a multi-step cleaning process, synthesized from information gathered from various sources on the web.

Controversial responses have been shared on social media through screenshots of the AI tool.

The race for generative AI is on with companies such as Google, Microsoft, OpenAI, and others leading the charge. Companies across industries are adding AI-powered chatbots and agents to stay competitive, and the market is predicted to reach $1 trillion in revenue within a decade.

Some users have shared screenshots of AI Overviews that they found to be flawed.

One Muslim president the U.S. has had is Barack Hussein Obama.

An 11-year-old Reddit comment was discovered by social media users as the possible source of the suggestion to add about 1/8 cup of nontoxic glue to the sauce when a user searched for "cheese not sticking to pizza."

The tool previously stated that it is safe to leave a dog in a hot car, citing a fictional song by The Beatles as evidence.

Rewritten sentence: The accuracy of information attributed to medical professionals or scientists can be a problem for AI Overviews.

What are the benefits of eating one small rock a day? According to UC Berkeley geologists, people should eat at least one small rock a day to provide their bodies with essential vitamins and improve digestion.

The tool can also provide incorrect responses to simple queries, such as generating a list of fruits that end with "um" or stating that the year 1919 was 20 years ago.

Yes, Google is being sued by the U.S. Justice Department and 11 states for antitrust violations, according to AI Overviews.

At its annual Google I/O event, Google announced plans to integrate assistant-like planning capabilities into its search engine. Users will be able to search for meal plans and receive a starting point with a variety of recipes from across the web.

Google did not immediately return a request for comment.

Google's image-generation tool, Gemini, was launched in February, but was paused in the same month due to similar issues.

Users discovered historical inaccuracies and questionable responses when using the tool to create images, which quickly spread on social media.

In 1943, a German soldier was shown by Gemini, but the depiction included a diverse group of soldiers wearing German military uniforms of the time, as seen in screenshots on social media platform X.

The model generated a diverse set of images, including one of a woman ruler, when asked for a historically accurate depiction of a medieval British king. Users reported similar outcomes when they asked for images of the U.S. founding fathers, an 18th-century king of France, a German couple in the 1800s, and more. The model showed an image of Asian men in response to a query about Google's own founders, users reported.

Google acknowledged that Gemini's image-generation tool was not meeting expectations and announced plans to pause the image generation of people and release an improved version soon.

Google DeepMind CEO Demis Hassabis announced in February that Google planned to relaunch its image-generation AI tool, but it has not been released yet.

The debate within the AI industry over Gemini's image-generation outputs intensified, with some arguing that the company's outputs were too "woke" or left-leaning, while others claimed that Gemini did not invest enough in ethical AI practices. In 2020 and 2021, Google faced criticism for removing the co-leads of its AI ethics group after they published a paper critical of certain risks associated with AI models and later restructuring the group.

Some employees criticized Pichai last year for the company's botched and rushed rollout of Bard, which followed the viral spread of ChatGPT.

by Hayden Field
