Discover the insights of 'Covid expats' who relocated overseas during the pandemic regarding work.

Discover the insights of 'Covid expats' who relocated overseas during the pandemic regarding work.
Discover the insights of 'Covid expats' who relocated overseas during the pandemic regarding work.
  • Moving abroad was a long-standing dream for some people, and Covid-19 served as the catalyst for them to finally take the leap.
  • Professionals who relocated overseas during the pandemic have shared their experiences of settling in destinations such as Lisbon, Portugal, and Tulum, Mexico, with CNBC.
  • It is recommended for individuals considering a move to carefully plan, openly communicate, and allocate funds for an unforeseen return home, as advised by expats.
Expat beach

During a pandemic, many individuals took the opportunity to move overseas.

A survey of over 12,000 people on InterNations found that about 10% of readers had decided to move abroad due to the coronavirus pandemic in January 2021.

Maria Eilersen, a PR coach and yoga teacher, relocated from London to Lisbon, Portugal in November 2020 due to the rising Covid cases in the UK.

Eilersen, a Danish national, had heard that Lisbon was emerging as a new international hub following Brexit. She also desired a warmer climate than Britain. "It was like, why not? We didn't do much research - we were just like, let's see what happens...and it was the best decision ever," Eilersen said in a video call with CNBC.

In 2021, Portugal was ranked fifth in InterNations' survey of the top destinations for expats, excelling in areas such as quality of life, leisure opportunities, and affordability.

Eilersen and her Spanish partner tried out various neighborhoods by renting apartments on Airbnb before settling in Campo de Ourique, which appealed to them due to its wide sidewalks and nearby park where they could walk their dog.

Eilersen had been coaching clients remotely through her consultancy Be Conscious PR, which made the transition to Lisbon seamless. When she talks to new clients, it inspires them and shows them that they can work from anywhere.

After attending a class at a local studio and being invited to lead a session, she now teaches yoga regularly in Lisbon. She noticed that the things that had been a grind and hustle in London happened easily once they moved to Lisbon.

Despite pandemic restrictions and travel limitations, not everyone has had a smooth ride.

Anais Nesta, an entrepreneur and former business analyst, relocated from Lyon, France, to Boston, U.S., with her husband and two sons in February 2020, just prior to global shutdowns.

At that time, we were not fully aware of the extent of Covid-19. We quickly found a home, but barely had time to buy a table and chairs as the shops and restaurants closed. The couple's children could not attend school, and the professional projects Nesta had been considering were put on hold.

I had envisioned different expatriation scenarios, but the one we ended up living in was not what I had imagined. We discovered that we were expecting our third child. Upon arrival in a new country, we found ourselves in a situation where we didn't know anyone and lacked the chance to form social connections and explore our new host country.

Two years have passed since the travel bans were lifted, and Nesta's extended family has been introduced to the couple's new daughter. Despite a challenging beginning, she now considers living in "one of the most fascinating countries." The family has visited Louisiana, Florida, and New England during their travels.

This digital nomad lives on $47 a day in Croatia

Nesta advises those considering a move to go for it, as going abroad is a great way to accelerate personal development.

Before leaving, it is crucial to define each person's wishes if you are going as a couple, especially with children.

Nesta and her husband separately listed their top five destinations, and then wrote down the pros and cons of the places they had in common, before analyzing the potential career opportunities in each city. Quebec ranked highly, but they chose Boston for her husband's work, its reputation in the sciences, and its location between the ocean and the mountains.

Planning your move

Anyone planning to live overseas for the first time should be cautious and plan well, advises British expat Nina Hobson, who resided in Santiago, Chile during the pandemic outbreak.

She and her family have returned to her home county of Yorkshire in the U.K. and are planning their next move, to Punta del Este in Uruguay. To make an informed decision, she suggests taking some time to reflect and discussing the options with anyone else involved in the move. She recommends setting aside time at a café and agreeing to listen to each other in absolute silence to get their thoughts out in the open.

She advised making a plan, saving enough money for a return trip, keeping conversations with all parties involved open, listening to partners and children, and being prepared to scrap the plan if necessary.

Hobson, a life coach and blogger, uses various apps and websites to manage her work life while living overseas. She now uses Time and Date Calculator to double-check work calls due to seasonal clock changes. She prefers XYZ for organizing international money transfers quickly and securely, and she relies on ABC workplace software and DEF for her work.

She strives for a clean, tidy, and light workspace at home, and separates her workday from the rest of the day. She suggests folding away the laptop, drawing the curtains, lighting a candle, and putting the office notepad away. Hobson follows a routine with her children, letting them know that in the mornings she needs to work and study, but in the afternoons she's available for them.

Beachside paradise

Natalie Levy, a former recruitment consultant from New York City, has fulfilled her dream of living by the ocean in Tulum, Mexico. She relocated there in August 2020, attracted by its proximity to her family, expat community, and easy access to cities like Cancun.

She shared with CNBC via email that it was like a dream to reside in a paradise with all the comforts.

Levy, now a business coach, earns more working for herself than she did in her former role and acknowledges the privilege of being able to walk away from her computer when things go wrong and resume what she's doing whenever she feels like it.

Eilersen in Lisbon has found that moving has helped her to reevaluate her perspective on the "hustle culture" prevalent in large cities. "Londoners bragged about working long hours and viewed not taking time to rest as a sign of dedication," she said in an email to CNBC. "We need to let go of the notion that success can only be achieved through excessive (unhealthy) effort," she added.

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by Lucy Handley
