The authors of the international bestseller 'Ikigai' offer 10 rules for a happy and purposeful travel experience.

The authors of the international bestseller 'Ikigai' offer 10 rules for a happy and purposeful travel experience.
The authors of the international bestseller 'Ikigai' offer 10 rules for a happy and purposeful travel experience.

When traveling to new places and immersing oneself in different cultures, it is crucial to maintain good manners and observe proper etiquette.

According to Héctor García and Francesc Miralles, authors of "The Four-Way Path," there are both correct and incorrect methods of traveling, as outlined in their book on Purushartha and India's spiritual traditions for a fulfilling life.

"Ikigai: The Japanese Secret to a Long and Happy Life" was also authored by García and Miralles, in addition to being an international bestseller.

According to García and Miralles, the goal of travel is not just to reach your destination and take pictures. Instead, it should make you a more empathetic person with a broader and more compassionate worldview.

García and Miralles suggest that you become a "spiritual traveler." As they wrote, "A true journey is a transformative experience." After such a journey, they believe that we return home as different people.

The book "The Four-Way Path" provides 10 rules for a more purposeful travel experience.

10 rules for a happy and purposeful experience when you travel

  1. Instead of traveling solely to mark a location on a map, aim to have a meaningful and enriching experience.
  2. Avoid judging and instead learn as you go.
  3. Don't follow the typical tourist attractions; let your feet lead you to unique and unexplored places.
  4. Look, listen, smell, taste, touch...feel!
  5. Mix with the locals to experience life like those who live there.
  6. Getting lost can be a path to the greatest discoveries.
  7. The soul of a place is in its people, not its monuments.
  8. Discover the joy of travel through book exploration.
  9. Bring a notebook and pen with you on your next adventure, as it may inspire you to write a book.
  10. Respect the locals by learning some of their language, even if it's just a few words.

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