In August, China's retail sales and industrial data did not meet expectations.

In August, China's retail sales and industrial data did not meet expectations.
In August, China's retail sales and industrial data did not meet expectations.
  • In August, retail sales grew by 2.1% compared to the previous year, falling short of the predicted 2.5% growth among economists surveyed by Reuters. This was also a slower increase than the 2.7% growth seen in July.
  • In August, industrial production increased by 4.5% compared to the previous year, which was below the 4.8% growth forecast by Reuters. This was also a decrease from the 5.1% increase seen in July.
  • The growth in fixed asset investment for the January to August period was 3.4%, which is below the predicted 3.5% increase.

According to data from the National Bureau of Statistics, China's retail sales, industrial production, and urban investment in August did not meet the expected growth rates.

In August, retail sales grew by 2.1% compared to the previous year, falling short of the predicted 2.5% growth among economists surveyed by Reuters. This was also a slower increase than the 2.7% growth seen in July.

In August, industrial production increased by 4.5% compared to the previous year, which was below the 4.8% growth forecast by Reuters. This was also a decrease from the 5.1% increase seen in July.

The growth in fixed asset investment for the January to August period was 3.4%, which is below the predicted 3.5% increase.

In August, the urban unemployment rate increased from 5.2% in July to 5.3%.

In August, the growth of fixed asset investment in infrastructure and manufacturing slowed down compared to July, while real estate investment fell by 10.2% for the year, matching the pace of decline from July.

"The bureau stated that the negative effects resulting from environmental changes are growing, while a sustained economic recovery faces numerous obstacles and challenges."

In China, Saturday is a working day this weekend, while Monday is a holiday in exchange for the Mid-Autumn Festival, also known as the Mooncake Festival, from Sunday to Tuesday. The final major public holiday in China this year falls in early October.

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Despite a promising recovery from Covid-19, growth in the world's second-largest economy has slowed down. Policymakers have not yet announced large-scale stimulus, and they recognize that domestic demand is inadequate.

Other data released in the last week have underscored persistent weakness in consumption.

While imports rose by only 0.5% in August from the previous year, missing expectations, exports increased by 8.7%, exceeding expectations.

The consumer price index in Beijing for August did not meet analysts' expectations, increasing by only 0.6% from the previous year.

by Evelyn Cheng

China Economy