NOAA predicts that hurricane season will bring 4 to 7 major storms. Here are some tips to prevent catastrophic damage to your home.

NOAA predicts that hurricane season will bring 4 to 7 major storms. Here are some tips to prevent catastrophic damage to your home.
NOAA predicts that hurricane season will bring 4 to 7 major storms. Here are some tips to prevent catastrophic damage to your home.
  • In 2024, the National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration anticipates a 85% likelihood of "above-normal" hurricane activity.
  • The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts that there will be between four and seven severe hurricanes, classified as Category 3, 4, or 5, with wind speeds of at least 111 mph, during the upcoming season.
  • Here are ways you can help prevent devastating storm damage to your home.

Hurricane season has officially begun.

As scientists forecast another active year for storms, it is increasingly important to make your home hurricane resistant.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration predicts a 85% chance of "above-normal" hurricane activity during the season from June 1 to Nov. 30, as stated in its May 23 forecast.

The National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predicts that there will be between 17 and 25 named storms with winds of at least 39 mph this season. Out of these, eight to 13 are expected to become hurricanes, and four to seven of those may develop into major hurricanes, defined as Category 3, 4, or 5, with winds exceeding 111 mph.

Americans born in 2024 could face a financial burden of nearly $500,000 due to climate change.

According to a statement released by the Federal Emergency Management Agency's deputy administrator, Erik A. Hooks, individuals and communities must be prepared for severe weather and emergencies that can occur at any moment.

"We are already witnessing storms across the country that pose additional hazards such as tornadoes, flooding, and hail. By taking a proactive approach to our increasingly challenging climate, we can make a difference in how people can recover in the future."

How climate change may affect storm activity and damage

Experts predict that the damage caused by hurricanes in the U.S. is likely to increase as storms become more severe, making them one of the most expensive natural disasters.

The Atlantic Ocean is expected to experience near-record warm ocean temperatures, which will contribute to the formation of tropical storms.

An "extremely active" hurricane season is predicted by hurricane researchers at Colorado State University for 2024, due to record-warm tropical and eastern subtropical Atlantic sea surface temperatures.

In 2024, the average water temperatures in the tropical Atlantic were about 1 degree Celsius or 1.5 to 2 degrees Fahrenheit warmer than usual, according to Phil Klotzbach, a senior research scientist at the Department of Atmospheric Science of Colorado State University.

"The tropical Atlantic is currently experiencing record warmth, which increases the fuel available for storm formation attempts."

It's prudent for residents of storm-prone areas to consider completing home projects before atmospheric and water conditions change.

"It's crucial to plan ahead and be ready," Klotzbach advised. "Don't leave preparations to the last minute."

NOAA's Geophysical Fluid Dynamics Laboratory reports that global warming may lead to more intense and rapidly strengthening hurricanes, as well as increased coastal flooding and higher rainfall rates due to rising sea levels.

According to the Center for Climate and Energy Solutions, warmer sea surface temperatures increase the intensity of tropical storm wind speeds, increasing the potential for damage if they hit land.

Since the 1970s, hurricane residential loss expectations have been increasing due to an increase in hurricane activity and changes in property value from population growth. However, improvements in building standards have partially offset this increase.

Wind resistance is about preventing 'pressurization'

Protecting their valuable asset, consumers can use upgrades to safeguard their homes from natural disasters like windstorms.

Rewritten: While making your home hurricane resistant can be a costly endeavor, it may be a wise investment as more intense storms are predicted due to climate change.

The cost to upgrade an entire house with hurricane windows in 2024 ranges from $1,128 to $10,293, or $100 to $500 per window, including installation, according to This Old House. This is just one project.

A 2022 analysis by the Massachusetts Institute of Technology suggests that $8.1 billion could be saved annually in physical damage from windstorms if homes had stronger connections between roofs and walls or tighter nail spacing.

The challenge of making home improvements with windstorms in mind is that hurricanes are unpredictable, said Jeff Ostrowski, a housing analyst at Bankrate.

He stated that it is uncertain whether one will encounter storm surge, high winds, or heavy rains, and that one must prepare for all of them simultaneously.

To prevent wind-related damage in a hurricane, two key elements are recommended by Leslie Chapman-Henderson, president and CEO of FLASH, a nonprofit organization.

  1. The roof and wall's structural strength can withstand wind pressure and debris impact.
  2. Secure your home by safeguarding the doors, windows, and garage.

""We're working to prevent pressurization, which is like a balloon that blows up so much it pops, just like what happens to your house when the wind comes in," she said."

Ways to make your home more hurricane resistant

1. Have an inspector assess your house

A home inspection can serve as a foundation for your renovation plans by identifying areas that require repair or reinforcement to withstand severe weather conditions.

2. Reinforce your roof

The cost of replacing a roof in the U.S. is approximately $10,000, but the actual cost may vary based on several factors, including the size of your roof, as stated by the Department of Energy.

Trifecta Construction Solutions, a sustainable consulting firm in Florida, provides guidelines to homeowners through Fortified, a nonprofit reroofing program that helps strengthen homes against severe weather, on how to withstand challenges in their area, said Jennifer Languell, president and founder of the company.

She stated that it provides instructions on how to strengthen your roof.

If you're not ready to completely replace your roof, applying caulk or adhesive to the soffits can help prevent water and wind from entering your attic during a storm, as advised by Chapman-Henderson of FLASH. According to, repairing the soffit and fascia, which is a horizontal board typically located outside the soffit, can cost between $600 and $6,000.

Installing metal clips or straps can help secure the roof to the walls in an existing home with an attic, said the expert. The cost of retrofitting can vary depending on the size of your home and the scope of the project, with estimates ranging from $850 to $1,350, according to Kin, a home insurance company.

3. Secure your windows and doors

"Can you install hurricane-impact windows if you don't currently have them?" inquired Melissa Cohn, the regional vice president of William Raveis Mortgage.

Shutters are a more affordable option for protecting windows and openings, according to Chapman-Henderson.

According to FLASH, removable galvanized storm panels made of steel are the most affordable option, costing between $5 to $6 per square foot. The price of shutters varies based on the material, installation, and cost.

Installing shutters can provide an additional layer of protection, even with impact-proof windows, according to Languell of Trifecta Construction Solutions.

According to Chapman-Henderson, garage doors are the "weakest and largest opening." Replacing the entire garage door with a wind-rated or impact-resistant version can cost between $2,000 and $9,000, as stated by FLASH.

A garage door storm kit can cost up to $750, while temporary 2-by-4 wood braces can reinforce your nonwind-resistant door for approximately $150 for materials and installation.

According to Bankrate's Ostrowski, while you can take steps to secure your home, you are still vulnerable to the effects of any storm that may occur.

4. Talk to your insurer about possible discounts

Strengthening your home against disasters may help lower your insurance cost.

High-risk areas are seeing insurers pulling back or raising prices significantly due to natural-disaster risks being factored in when underwriting properties.

Newly built homes often have lower insurance costs compared to existing homes, as they were constructed under stricter building codes.

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After an inspector recommends projects to make your home more hurricane resistant, discuss with your insurance agent which suggestions are likely to lower your premium, Ostrowski advised.

Loretta Worters, a spokeswoman for the Insurance Information Institute, stated that each state has different premium reductions available, depending on the risks, the company's exposure, and the regulatory environment.

The scientific measurement of catastrophe risk and mitigation efforts is still evolving, and homeowners' insurance premium rates are determined by measurable risk, she stated.

Worters stated that the analysis of premium pricing related to mitigation efforts is about the level of risk reduction, not completely eliminating risk from the policy.

Grants, financing can help mitigate costs

There may be financial assistance available to reduce the cost of preparing your home against hurricanes.

Disaster retrofits are being funded through matching grant programs in some states, according to Chapman-Henderson.

Florida residents may be eligible for grants of up to $10,000 to cover the cost of approved upgrades such as shutters, roofing, or strengthening a garage door or roof-to-wall connections, as stated by her. Similar programs are available in Alabama and Louisiana.

Homeowners can discover loans, grants, and tax credits for disaster-resistant home improvements by visiting, which provides a comprehensive list of funding opportunities and incentives, according to Languell.

Property Assessed Clean Energy programs enable homeowners with poor credit or living in states without matching-dollar programs to finance the initial expenses of eligible improvements and pay them off over time through their property tax bill, according to Chapman-Henderson.

Green mortgages, also known as energy-efficient mortgages, could be a worthwhile option for homeowners looking to finance eco-friendly home upgrades or purchase homes that reduce energy consumption and utility bills. However, these loans typically have strict loan limits and require additional information during the application process, as stated by LendingTree.

Sometimes, durability and energy efficiency can be combined, according to Languell.

Sealing the underside of your roof sheathing can help you save energy by sealing all the cracks and crevices, which in turn prevents water or air leaks and keeps your roof on your house.

Replacing your single-pane windows with impact windows that have better energy performance can save you on energy, according to Languell.

In the new series, CNBC will explore the impact of climate change on various financial aspects, including retirement savings, insurance costs, and career prospects.

by Ana Teresa Solá
