Xi Jinping declares in his 75th anniversary speech that no obstacles can hinder China's advancement.

Xi Jinping declares in his 75th anniversary speech that no obstacles can hinder China's advancement.
Xi Jinping declares in his 75th anniversary speech that no obstacles can hinder China's advancement.
  • No obstacles can hinder China's progress, as stated by President Xi Jinping on Monday.
  • He also reiterated Beijing's aims for reunification with Taiwan.
  • At a reception celebrating the 75th anniversary of the People's Republic of China, founded on Oct.1, 1949, Xi was speaking.

Beijing's President Xi Jinping reiterated Beijing's reunification aims with Taiwan and stated that no challenges can hinder China's progress on Monday.

He was delivering a speech at a celebration marking the 75th anniversary of the founding of the People's Republic of China, which occurred on October 1, 1949.

""China's progress will not be hindered by any challenges," Xi stated, urging the country to overcome uncertainties and risks on the path ahead."

The comments were translated by CNBC from a Chinese state media broadcast.

On Monday evening, the state broadcaster's daily news program reported that Xi and other top Chinese leaders arrived at the reception around 5 p.m. local time.

Mobius: China represents 30% of the Emerging Market Index."

According to state media, approximately 3,000 individuals, including foreigners, were present at the event in Beijing.

In his speech, Xi highlighted the importance of unifying under the Chinese Communist Party's leadership and reaffirmed Beijing's "strong stance" against Taiwan's "separatist" actions, while encouraging both sides to enhance economic and cultural exchanges.

He has previously stated that the reunification of Taiwan is an inevitable historical development.

Beijing considers the democratically self-ruled island as a part of its territory.

No mention of trade tensions

The escalation of tensions between China and the U.S. and Europe has led to increased restrictions and tariffs on Beijing's access to advanced technology.

In his Monday speech, Xi did not mention any specific countries or trade conflicts, but instead emphasized China's commitment to globalization. He thanked "friendly" countries and supporters of China's growth.

He highlighted Beijing's claim to Greater China by stating that "national rejuvenation" was the aspiration of Hong Kong, Macao, Taiwan, and all Chinese people.

The Beijing leader stated that China would "promote" the growth of Hong Kong and Macao, two autonomous regions governed by Beijing under the "one country, two systems" principle.

In a 2019 speech marking the PRC's 70th anniversary, Xi stated that no force could impede China's development, which was celebrated with a military parade and grand festivities. In contrast, the 65th anniversary events were more muted.

Xi's speech coincides with a recent surge in Chinese markets, as major mainland Chinese and Hong Kong stock indexes have reached their highest levels in over a year following authorities' announcement of plans to support economic growth. On Thursday, a high-level meeting led by Xi called for an end to the real estate decline and for the implementation of stronger fiscal and monetary policies.

Despite the People's Bank of China reducing interest rates recently, the Ministry of Finance has not yet declared additional fiscal assistance.

by Evelyn Cheng

China Economy